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2002-04-29 / 11:45 p.m.

New Page 1


I hope this isn't a streak. I haven't really felt much like updating lately. I think I'm honestly starting to get depressed again. I'm starting to lose interest in the things that I used to do a lot of, I've been tired a lot lately, and just an overall feeling of grouchiness. I wonder if I'm not getting any real good sleep, or diet, or something. I know I have too much going on right now, and it's really a struggle to find some 'me' time, and I think my body's starting to take it out on me.

Nicki's been real supportive of me, and I can't thank her enough for it. I'm definitely out on a mission now to reset my life priorities, and that has made me think about life. What is life all about? Are we really just organisms who's only real purpose is to mindlessly pass on out DNA and genes to the next generation, only to have our children doomed to repeat the same endless cycle? I thought about it here over the past week and a half, and I think that that's somewhat true to a point. I see that just about everyone's dreams include securing a career...and then starting a family. In the Mid-East, the Palestinians want to kill off the Jews so that Palestinian children can grow up and repopulate 'Palestine'. China is even trying to fight Nature and the order of things by trying to enforce a one-child, one-family policy to the point of performing forced abortions on women.

Then again....thinking about life is kinda depressing. You go to school, you go into the work world, you pay your bills, you get old, you die. Granted that's the natural cycle of life itself, and no one is immune to it, but still. People would tell me that there's more to it, but it's really just icing on the cake. If you remove it, you have the bare bones of it. Again, people would retort that that's exactly what makes it different, and it makes my head spin.

Therefore, I decided to go order more shirts from 7.62 Designs. I've ordered three shirts from them before, and I felt like ordering a few more. I decided on the Force Recon, USMC Worldwide, and '03 Infantry shirts. Now all I need to do is secure me some more BDU pants. Maybe a new black and forest-pattern set.

Hopefully I can add more later. Right now I think I just need to get some sleep.

"Making martyrs at 2,000 yards." - Line on the 'Sniper Team' page for the shirt of the same name at

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