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2002-05-07 / 10:35 p.m.
A Comeback

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Okay, I think I'm through the worst of my depression now. I'm still trying to find a good time during the day to write regular entries again, so no one should really be surprised if there's still more gaps between entries. 

Today, though, I had an interview for a new position in the Quality department, and if I get that job, instead of taking calls, I'll be grading other people's calls. Maybe if I get that job it'll be easier to update, since sups and other high-rankers can get away with going online and stuff. In case I don't get it, I'm also putting in r�sum�'s for the two supervisor and team lead positions that opened up in another department. However, if I don't get it, it was definitely not from a lack of trying. I know I did a stellar job, taking some suggestions that my friend Angie told me to try. I think I feel I made a very strong impression. They had me grade a call from someone in my program, and I wonder if it was picked out ahead of time, because this guy, if I graded it, would have failed on it. I know the lady was checking to see how I would grade a call. My philosophy on practicing diplomacy is that you say something soothing while pulling the trigger. Well, I pulled the trigger alright on this freak, but I also sang this guy a lullaby as I did so. Makes it so that he won't resist.

I went to my friend Tammy's salon today to get my haircut, and I was talking all about the upcoming interview with her. She said to me "Gee, you're desperate to get out of our department." I just replied, "No, I just want out of the CSR level." It's really true. I've been working at this company now for almost a year, and I know I'm better than just your average line grunt. Even if is just a step above the CSR level, it at least is a start. My mom recently asked me when I planned on going back to college, and I told her that, if all goes according to plan, at the start of the new year. Nicki and I still really need to decide if were going to move to Indy to own a home, or stay here. Personally, I just want to buy one home, and not worry about moving later on. That way, I can just add-on and do other stuff to it, and not have to worry about redoing it to another home.

Nicki also handed me a nice surprise this morning. She literally woke up with laryngitis. It's really odd, considering that she went to be talking just fine. She's even been drinking a lot of fluids and taking her anti-allergy medicines and cough syrup. The doc said that it should go just as fast as it came. I just hope he's right, as Nicki's income is rather important, considering that I'm having more money taken out of my paycheck since I added Nicki to my insurance.

Nicki also started her new schedule yesterday. She and I now work the same hours, and it's definitely nice being able to take her home and not have to worry about coming back to work. We also have the weekends off, and my mom offered us weekend jobs at the softball concession stands that they run. I'm probably going to take her up on that offer, since it'll be extra income, and I'm not really doing anything too important during the daytime on the weekends. Mom and dad also really need me more than Nicki, since I'm 21 and now legally able to serve alcohol to the drunkards. Too bad I have to leave my sidearm at home.

Speaking of shooting, Will, myself, and Rico haven't gone shooting yet. We should be going this weekend, and I'll be taking pictures. Wait...well, Nicki and I have plans for Saturday and we might just have to go shooting. Maybe I can showcase my new USMC Force Recon or my "03 Infantry" shirt. Both are rather stylish, and very visually appealing. 

I've also been tweaking my game of Counterstrike. In the game, they give you a knife as a last-resort type weapon. but some skilled players will 'dishonor' other players by scoring a knife-kill. Well, I turned my knife into a trout. Yes. A Trout. I'm now going around beating people with a Trout that's most likely carried in my character's pocket. A pocket Trout, if you will. Anyways, I scored (no pun intended) my first kill with it this morning. On the server that I was playing on, it announces it to everyone when you score a kill like that and it was really gratifying to see "Rogue Marine wh0red aim [SU] style!" Yes. It was a good fight. It's also funny on this server, because they have it set up so that, if you land a knife kill, the victim can't kill another opponent with a gun until he whacks someone with a knife. Something called 'redemption', I think. Anyways, it was rather funny watching this guy running around without landing a kill. I doubt he realized what was going on.

Looks like the local cyber caf� here in town, The Worx Online, has put his own Counter-Strike server online now. Unfortunately I wasn't able to crash it until around 12AM or so, and no one was there. I stayed there for around an hour to see if anyone would show up so I could slap them with my Trout one-on-one style, but no one showed. Oh well. Maybe someone will be there this morning. There almost certainly will be people there for sure around the weekend, but I want to start getting some stats logged on that server soon. I'd love to see the looks on the 'regulars' faces when they see that the Rogue Marine is beating them around stat-wise. And no, it wouldn't be with my Trout. Unless I'm dealing with Rico.

There was another interesting skin that was available, but I didn't take. It turns your grenade into a can of Coca-Cola. In the description of the skin, it says "Shake well and serve." Since I hate Coke, it might be worthwhile to at least pretend I'm throwing that crap at them. Too bad I can't turn the little explosion sprites into like a shower of Cola. That'd be funny. Actually I think Rico has that downloaded on his machine. I'll have to ask him how that works if he's got it.

I've also been listening to Rush Limbaugh get hammered on his criticism of his handling of the domestic agenda, such as the economy. When President George H. W. Bush ended the Gulf War, he was riding in 90% approval numbers, because he was a great wartime president. But he was somehow usurped by an unknown Democrat who was the governor of Arkansas, because Bill Clinton was able to successfully attack on him on the domestic agenda. While there were other factors, such as Bush 41's inability to make himself look re-electable, his bungling on several campaign promised and the subsequent capitalization by Clinton on that cost him the White House. Rush is hammering Bush on his "compassionate conservatism". Personally, I think that that phrase is an oxymoron in of itself. Clinton was able to be as popular as he was because he used his natural charisma and the 'bully pulpit'. That means that he used the power and the influence that comes with being in a position of such power to further his agenda, whatever it may be.

Rush is being hammered as performing some "Bush-bashing", but I feel that his attacks on Bush are VERY warranted. First off, he's pushing to add mental-health coverage to programs like Medicare and Medicaid. This sounds great, right? Who wouldn't be against it? I am. Why would I be against it? Chris, man, you were diagnosed as being depressed before, why would you be against it? Because the cost of such a thing will be shifted onto the working taxpayer. All of the Democrats talk about all these great programs and such, but they're like a lot of people you see in business: They never talk about the cost or how they're going to pay for it. With the government, they really don't need to, because they have the legal authority to take money from you at gunpoint. Think about it. Another thing to stew on: Did you know that FDR, when he instituted the Social Security program, said that he only wanted it to be a temporary thing? I guess he never heard of the rule about government - There is no such thing as a temporary program.

Rush was also getting hammered for his unwavering support of Israel. Personally, I'm with Israel myself for two major reasons - One, Israel is the only true Democracy in the Middle East, and Two, the militant Palestinians were proved to be liars on several occasions. That, and they turned down the best peace deal offered to them that they're going to get. During the Camp David summit at the end of President Clinton's term in the Office, they were offered 95% of their demands, including the lands in the so-called 'occupied territories'. They were even given loans and grants to start a business and industrial infrastructure, and even Yasser Arafat's own staff told him to take the deal, but Yasser doesn't want peace, and proved it when he turned down the deal.

Rush is saying that Israel deserves our support because they are fighting a war on terrorism as well, and that's true. Imagine if you will, that you live in a city where there have been several homicide bombings in your town. You have to drive/walk to work with troops in the streets because there are several people who are seriously willing to strap explosives to their bodies and kill not only themselves, but you and your family, and do it with glee. In America, we call those kinds of people sociopathic killers. But in the world area, they're called an 'oppressed people'. Personally, I believe that if we leave Israel to fend for themselves, they may just turn around and demand more of us when we need their help. Whether Americans refuse to admit it or not, America is bound to Israel. If we let them fall, the terrorism will not stop. It will advance on over to the U.S., and we'll be reading in the Washington Post about how many civilians were killed in the latest homicide bombing in L.A., and how the military is still trying to reclaim California from the invasion of militant Muslims.

However, at the same time, I am familiar with all the reports of supposed 'Israeli brutality', and I have seen reports on looting by Israeli soldiers. Just as there are bad Muslims, there are going to be bad Israelis. Not all Muslims are evil and warmongering, and same with the Israelis. Israel must tell it's troops to behave like soldiers, and punish offenders so that they don't lose the high ground that they're on. Make no mistake, they hold it, and the Palestinians know that the only way to knock them off of it is to make world opinion rise up against them.

Overall though, I think all sides need to be slapped upside the head with my CT's trout.

Phew. A Long update. Oh well. It's time for me to end another adventure/entry. Hopefully I'll be able to write some more interesting stuff tomorrow.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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