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in the shadows of the night

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2004-04-06 / 11:50 p.m.
Personal Log, 6 April 2004


Journal note: I've renewed my gold membership with Diaryland, so within the next day or so I'll have my images back on the diary.

Well, today was a better day for sure. Last night I still didn't get a lot of sleep, but aparently for once it wasn't apparent. I was a little bit more awake for getting under five hours of sleep.

Work today was a bitch again. As usual, the life of a Technical Support Representative for DirecTVs Protection Plan is a pain, honestly never getting a moment's rest between calls. You get a call, finish it, wrap it up in the system, and take the next. If I wasn't screwed out of my promotion, it would be easier, but I guess such is life. It'll probably be this way until I leave my employ with them, since every promotion that I've been up for either gets yanked or denied to me.

I got an email response from my in-laws about yesterday's entry. They've told me to look to God again for strength. I'm trying, I honestly am, but in this time of mass confusion, I can't even find my own self, much less my own faith. I'm still upset a little that Nicki won't be here for my 23rd birthday on Saturday, but on the plus side I got a letter from her today. Nicki wrote about how she's doing well, and surviving rather well in the medical ward. Attached to this entry is a posting of the update email that I sent to my family and friends today. I've got to find a way to keep myself going, keep things positive when reality is massing its forces against me. Nicki seems to be able to keep things positive and in perspective, so why do I have such a hard time with it?

I've also been doing something the last nine weeks that I never did while I was writing in this space back in 2002; exercising. Everyday that I work out, I'll be posting my results here for reference and view. For six days a week, I'll be out at Malmstrom working out, trying to keep my weight down. Back in 2002, I weighed a mighty 250 pounds, and now I'm down to 209. I'm hoping to get to 200 by the time Nicki graduates, whenever that is.

On the plus side, with Nicki's letter today came the DEERS form that I need to get my permanent base ID. I'll make a stop by the MPF tomorrow and get that taken care of and maybe get some of my questions answered.

Exercises for the day:

Ab Crunch - 4 sets of 10 reps at 110 pounds
Back Extension - 4 sets of 10 reps at 200 pounds
Leg Extension - 4 sets of 10 reps at 70 pounds
Rotary Calf - 4 sets of 10 reps at 170 pounds
1 mile run - 9:01

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Personal Log, 25 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-25
Personal Log, 24 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-24
Personal Log, 23 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-23
Personal Log, 22 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-22
Personal Log, 21 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-21

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