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2002-01-28 / 11:39 p.m.
No More Michael Spann's


I swear our car is possessed. It gains a mind of it's own when it's cold. It has run for like 10-15 minutes before I can shift it into gear and drive, and the heater has to be running for a long time before I can even take my keys out of the ignition. It's pissing me off because I'm burning a lot of fuel that I don't want to.

RIco told me than an old co-worker, Jen Lund, will be on Judge Joe Brown soon, suing another ex-McD's employee for credit card theft. I was working at McD's while she was a manager there, and it'll be interesting to see her again. See mentioned that she's studying to be an Emergency Medical Technician, and was going to Washington to complete her studies. I haven't seen her around here lately, so I assume she's there.

WItch Medic was telling me about some of her theories for the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. She was reading over some medical magazines, and her theory is that it's caused by small, fine grain pieces of dust that are too small to be trapped and disposed of by our body, so it just gets absorbed into the bloodstream, along with whatever contaminants are attached to the dust. Personally, I think GWS is a real condition that the government refused to acknowledge, which is the typical attitude that they have towards the men and women that bleed and die for their political ends. However, I believe GWS is caused by the depleted Uranium that they're using in the tank shells and the bullets for the 25mm mounts on the LAVs and other such vehicles. Ugh...I wish the government would stop using the military to further political ends.

There was some interesting information in David Hackworth's latest column. Hack is a retired Army Colonel and the author of Vietnam Primer, Hazardous Duty, and The Price Of Honor. He's currently involved with Soliders For The Truth, which exposes all the corruption in the military, as well as exposing all the policies that put our troops in danger. All of his profits from Price Of Honor go to help fund that site. Anyways, his latest column was about the dangers our Marines and Army soliders are facing dealing with the prisoners we're dealing with at Guantanamo. He quotes an Amry MP Sergeant as saying "We live like crap down here with no extra pay or tax break, and we feel that no one up above gives a rat's ass about us. Our officers are more concerned with doing Pentagon damage control concerning the detainees than looking after the troops."

That's not the worst of it. Another soldier told Hack: "The detainees sleep on soft mats on a nice surfaced floor while we sleep on cots inside tents with dirt floors. They get four hot meals a day, fresh fruit, regular issues of snacks such as sunflower seeds, regular clean clothes laundered by the Marine supply system. We get canned food and MREs, canned fruit. We buy our own snacks and do our own laundry." The quote that got me worked up was "The Red Cross put us in a very dangerous situation with their demands, and sadly our leadership went along with it. We've been told to lie to Marine inspectors over standards and requirements. The Marines are right, the Army's wrong, and we're stuck in the middle."

Okay, first off, the terrorists that are being held there are NOT prisoners of war. The Geneva accords did create rules for POWs. If you want to be a POW, you have to attacka legitimate MILITARY target, you cannot directly target civilians, which is exactly what Al-Qaida and the Taliban did. Short of torture, I believe the Marines ought to be able to do what's necessary to prevent these guys from organizing and staging another prison riot. Remember what happened to the CIA officer Michael Spann? He was killed in a prison uprising. These terrorists know that, if they escape, Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba, would likely get them smuggled back to Afghanistan. These thugs have openly threatened to kill our soldiers there, and personally, I feel that there' fully willing to carry out their threats. Spann was beaten and BITTEN to death. Think these guys wouldn't do the same? We need to give the Marines more latitude when it comes to ensuring that these guys aren't going to have the opportunity to revolt; to make sure that there are no more Michael Spanns.

"Have any of our politicians bothered to inspect our kids' living conditions when they've jetted into Gitmo to check out the terrorists' treatment and pick up some tube time?" - Col. David Hackworth, remarking on the internment of the Al-Qaida prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

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