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2002-04-03 / 1:32 p.m.
When Will People Learn

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Well, it's finally happened. The truth has come out. The United States, which is supposed to have the highest-rated and best equipped military, now have to accept assistance from Norway to help patrol our skies. Not since the Revolutionary War, I believe, have we had to rely on a foreign power to help us protect our own soil. This is a direct result of the shrinking budgets and pansy-ass 'feel good' social experimentation that happened during the eight years in office that President Clinton had. While he was doing some ground reconnaissance with Monica Lewinsky and selling our nuclear secrets (that just happened to advance their nuclear technologies 50 years ahead and now have the capability of reliably hitting Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit, and every other major U.S. city), he was also giving the shaft to our military, pardon the pun. Male and female basic training cadets were housed in the same bunks, trained in the same platoons, and the standards were drastically lowered.  Tell me if that isn't a distraction. They also allowed gays in the military, and before anyone flames me again, let me say this up front: if you're gay, I don't care. The problem soldiers have is that if they know you're gay, they will always wonder if you're 'checking them out', even if you're not. On the field of battle, this distracts a soldier, just as if they were fighting with women. The British recently concluded a study that proves that women in combat is not what it was cracked up to be (no offense Witchy).

Now that I'm on the soap box, let me also take a moment to speak to everyone whose memories of 9/11/02 are fading. On that day, we were attacked by Saudi suicide bombers. They deliberately hijacked four of our commercial airplanes and flew them into civilian targets. And they chose those targets well. That target being New York. Why, do you suppose, they targeted New York? Anyone? Let me tell you how a suicide bomber works:

  1. A suicide bomber only gets one chance to make his statement, so he has to strike at targets that will afford him the best chance at causing the most damage.
  2. New York was selected because it is the financial capital of the U.S., and for the most part, the world. Any damage that they cause to the markets are going to be far-reaching and devastating, as the steeping recession in late 2001 proved. Suicide bombers want to cause as much chaos as they possibly can to their targets.
  3. New York is also the capital of most of the major media networks, both cable and non. It guarantees that any major incident is going to get press coverage, which is what a suicide bomber needs to bring his message of terror to the Janes and Johns of the world. Press coverage is what they need, and if they don't get it, then who's really going to know much of anything besides that some poor schmuck decided to commit suicide? Doesn't really bring too much terror home.
  4. A suicide bomber doesn't care who he kills or how many he kills. Conventional rules of warfare do not apply to them. They fight just like the North Vietnamese did during the Vietnam War.
  5. These bombers are fearless. They know they're going to die, want it to happen, and will go to great lengths to make sure it happens. You can't reason with a man (or woman) who only wants to die killing people, especially if their religion says that they'll receive great rewards in the afterlife.

What we experienced on 9/11 is what Israel experiences daily. Every day in the news there'll be a story about a suicide bomber who killed so many people. Israel has tried to bring them and the Palestinians to a peace, but Arafat proved that he didn't want peace when he rejected the Camp David accords, where Israel offered them 95% to the land that they captured during the Six Day War and half of Jerusalem. To date, no other Israeli Prime Minister has ever offered them more land than that, so that the Palestinians could reach their goal of 'creating a Palestinian state'. Arafat proved himself to be nothing more than a warlord when he turned down the accord. Now he's literally got his back to a wall, cell phone in hand, and is held there by Ariel Sharon, the same man who chased Arafat from Israel to Beirut during the Six Day War. Arafat's also screaming that he's being victimized, while the Israelis find evidence that he's a terrorist, who even was mass-producing counterfeit Shekels, the currency of Israel, to fund his terror activities.

Retired Colonel David Hackworth, in his column that appears in the DefenseWatch section of Soldiers For The Truth.Org, wrote about how people are starting to forget that America is at war, and that the military brass is starting it's damage control game of lying to the public (deliberately to cover up their mistakes). Wanna know why there are British Marines in Afghanistan? Because our stories 10th Mountain Division could not hack it in the high elevations, and the British Marines, along with the Canadian forces that are fighting up there as well, are trained for that kind of high-altitude fighting and can work independently of helicopters and such. Isn't that sad?

One last thing before I have to leave for work, since I've been working on this all morning. There's a call from the liberal media and politicians that President Bush get 'actively involved' in the Mideast Crisis, saying that Clinton's approach was the best. May I remind you all that Clinton was not able to solve a feud between these two peoples that has gone on since before they were born. Clinton tried, he really did, even if it was only to say he did something else in office besides Monica. But he failed. These liberal quacks are also the ones that said that Bush couldn't bring about a victory in Afghanistan, we had to 'make peace' with the Taliban and leave them in power, that Bush is a dummy (despite the fact that he graduated with honors from Harvard's School of Business) , and Al Gore dropped out of college, without graduating. These are also the same group of people who say we should be in the Balkans, supporting the never-ending mission there. They're also the same ones who think our military should be the world's police force, instead of an organization that protects our borders.

I'll start working on a report that'll be much more detailed, and post it here when I get done. I'm getting sick and tired of Americans forgetting that our military bleeds and dies for all of us, so that we can live like we do.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.


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