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2002-03-11 / 9:50
California Cows Won't Dance The Fandango


Well, the aftermath of the LAN party wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Nicki wasn't feeling, or for that matter looking, all that great so she didn't go to work. I took a nap when I got home, and woke up around six or so. I got up and put the computer back together, and I've been playing Diablo 2 ever since. I'm not really sure what got me back into that game, but I've been playing it regularly ever since.

I wish I had made my request for vacation longer, maybe extending it into Monday and Tuesday instead of just making it for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I sure as hell wasn't ready for what awaited me when I got back to work. Looks like a few of my teammates are starting a petition to have my supervisor removed. They asked me to sign it, of course. Right now I still haven't because, while I agree with most of the issues that are on the petition, I don't think it's time to actually petition for his removal. Since it's likely that some of my co-workers who are in the know are reading my diary, I'll withhold the true names of the parties for now. I'll say that Avalanche authored the petition after talking with another supervisor about the stunts that our sup is pulling. The other sup advised Avalanche to talk to Human Resources about it, hence the petition.

I hate to not step up to the plate on this one and back up my thoughts with action, but I suppose the best analogy would to a General who's not ready to take an enemy's position. He waits and bides his time, gathering his forces and sets things in motion that would assist him. I wouldn't mind having our supervisor replaced by someone who is actually dependable and is around, but it needs to be done carefully or he might can us all on charges of insubordination. There's a reason why I call his team the Taliban Slaves. We're all under the whims of the Taliban when he's around. While The Taliban have been kind to me, I know that he purposefully ran one employee out that he really didn't like. It at least proves that he's a vengeful bastard. Maybe after I leave this company I can post a little blurb about him in my Vengeance section.

I've also had some weird feelings as of late. Ever felt like you had you were destined to accomplish something great or perform a great deed? I've honestly been feeling like that for the past few months. I'm pretty sure it's not ego, since it usually occurs when I'm calm and at peace. It doesn't really bother me as much as I think it should. Then again, if I'm destined to do something great in my life, why should that bother me? Again, I have no answer. I've also been getting some strange premonitions as of late. I guess the best way to describe that would be the Danger Sense skill from the Star Wars Role Playing Game. I know I don't have "The Force", so get that out of your heads. When I saw that petition I mentioned earlier, I sensed a lot of....I don't know, danger, perhaps? Danger to myself if I signed it. I've also had some good premontions too, which have mainly helped me in my games of Counter-Strike, like "Advance now to bag the Terrorist" or "Disarm the bomb, NOW!", that kind of thing. That would be something if it turns out I have like a minor case of ESP.

I also got the first issue of the company's newsletter done. I think I mentioned that before, but if not, well, I just did. My printer likes to smudge the ink, so I can't print up a good master to photocopy. I talked it over with my friend Angie in HR, and she said for me to send it to her work email address and she'd try to use the systems here to print it out. I don't think that this company has MS Publisher on it, but it wouldn't suprise me. We're going to do an April Fool's issue for it, an issue with bogus articles and stuff. We're going to try to have it out by April 1st, which will certainly be a challenge. When exactly do I sleep?

Recently, I was talking to Mach 5 about when he used to be a Best Buy store clerk. I revealed to him that my company administers their PSP plans, and after he recovered from the shock, he told me that the vast majority of the ignorance that the clerks have about what the PSP covers comes from management telling them that it covers everything, including when their plumber's remote breaks, and in turn the dumb callers call the divison of my company that deals with it. Somehow, I believe him. I just wish the average IQ of the callers was vastly improved. Ironically, Rush Limbaugh was talking about it today, and one of the callers to his radio program said that he thinks that the problem with crappy customer service is because we have two genereations of kids that have been raised by day care. I remember having to go to day care when I was little, and I don't think it traumatized me that badly. I agree customer service sucks, but the problem, in my opinion, is much more complex.

On my end, it's because we take calls all day, and we hear all kinds of problems. We also get belittled and abused more often than we get complimented. Sure, it may be a callers first time calling and bitching, but the rep he's talking to on the phone or across the counter has likely been taking abuse all day, from fellow employees, his boss, or myabe other customers. Some of the customers are far more abusive than others, even. The saying goes "Treat others the way you want to be treated", and I wish more people would listen to that, or at least consider that while your problem may be bad, you would help the person who's trying to help you a lot by at least saying "Thank You". We may be getting paid to do this job, but soldiers fight and die for us, and we give them medals as way of saying thank you. Why shouldn't you thank the person that helps you out, or saves you time? I thank almost everyone that helps me out. Sometimes it slips my mind, but generally I thank everyone.

Well, I'm running a little long. Maybe I'll write another entry for later, or just combine it with tomorrow's entry. We'll see.

"There is no emotion, there is peace; There is no ignorance, there is knowledge; There is no passion, there is serenity; There is no death, there is the Force" - The Jedi Code

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