in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




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2002-01-26 / 11:35 p.m.
Alternate Entry 10

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Rogue was standing in a long, dark hallway. There was a strip of fluorescent lighting, blinking on and off intermittenly, running down the center of the ceiling, and it was what allowed him to know where he was. He looked around him, and saw nothing ut dark walls. Down at the far end in front of him, he could see a set of double-doors, with a bright, white light bleeding through the edges.

He looked to the left, and somehow a section of the wall had turned into a tall mirror. He looked at the image reflected, and saw that he was dressed in his standard black mission outfit, complete with body armor and a Colt M4A1 on his back. Rogue reached around, un-slung the rifle, and caried it in a two-handed grip as he started walking towards the door. His steps seemed to echo in the empty corridor, and he started to wonder what was going on.

After walking about halfway down the hall, the doors flew open and he was blinded by the sudden increase in light. Rogue instinctively ducked down, and covered his eyes with one hand. Then he started to hear footsteps. He moved his hand, and he saw five figures standing at the entrance. The figures blocked enough of the blinding light to allow him to see clearly again, and he figured they must have been wearing trench coats. He stood, and replaced his hand back on the rifle.

"You let us die," a deep, booming voice echoed in his mind.
"What?" he called out.
"You let us die. You failed us, Marine. You were supposed to die with us, but you are a coward," the voice accused.
"Who are you!!" he screamed.
"You know who we are. You were supposed to die with us, and now we're back to correct the mistake you made," the voice said as the figures started walking towards him."

Rogue raised his rifle. "Stop! Whoever you are, identify yourselves or I'll fire!" The figures didn't stop, nor did the voice return. He waited another handful of moments, then Rogue squeezed the trigger. He saw the muzzle flash, and the bullet casings fly from the rifle, but the figures didn't even slow down. Puzzled, he squeezed the trigger again, and he definately saw pieces of the lead figure's coat fly off, even a piece of what looked like its arm.

His puzzlement turned into pure horror as the figures started to close. Rogue flipped the selection switch on the rifle from the three-round burst setting to full-auto. He let out a war cry, and started spraying bullets at the approaching figures while stepping backwards. The bullets hit, and more pieces of coat and meat fell to the floor as his rifle fired off the last round. He quickly ejected the empty magazine and rammed a full one into the receiver, and slapped the action back to chamber another round.

Still moving backward, Rogue aimed the rifle again at the lead figure. The group had finally walked far enough in that he could get a good look at the face of the approaching enemy. He started to pull the trigger as a shock-white face that was missing its eyes came into view. When he saw that the figure had red hair, a though crossed his mind as he started firing again. Is, it can't be!!

"It is, Marine," the voice came back tauntingly, while the dead figure let an inhumane smile cross its decayed face. "You left us to die, and we shall now have our revenge!"

Rogue kept firing as he continued his backwards retreat. More body parts broke off and fell to the floor. He could see little worms, bugs, and spiders escape the various cavities and holes on the walking figures and the severed limbs, but they didn't stop their advance. He had reloaded his rifle again, and had just slapped the action back to load the first round of the magazine when he felt his back hit something solid. He looked to his side, and, although the blackness had robbed him of most of the light, he knew he must have hit a wall.

He faced forward, let out another war cry, and started firing again. The zombies, sensing that their prey was ripe for the taking, started advancing faster. The red-haired figure reached his arms out, and Rogue concentrated his fire solidly on the creature, but the bullets were about as effective as air, for they didn't even seem to faze it. The creature finally reached striking distance on Rogue, and he felt the dead hands grab his shoulders with an inhuman grip, and he sensed its head bring its mouth down to his neck as they fell to the floor. It started to tear into his flesh, and he let out a scream of pain----

Sorry for not posting this earlier. I slept in this morning, and when I got home, I was so tired, I couldn't have written 'See Spot Run" even I tried.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again

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