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2002-01-14 / 11:50 p.m.
The Compliments


Today I slept in- kinda. Nicki and I had watched "Cast Away" real early this morning, and it was kinda of an emotional movie....for her. I, of course, kept it cool, calm, colleceted, and emotionlessly shot Tom Hanks. Well, everything except shooting Tom Hanks, but sometimes it seems like you wanna shoot someone famous because they can be an idiot at times. Oh well. Different topic for different times.

I got a note in my email from Novacaine today. In it she said:

"Hello, thanks for reviewing my site (Novacaine) and thanks for what you said at the end. :) Made me smile for the first time today."

Besides making me feel all fuzzy over (yes, that even happens to cold people such as myself), it made me go back and look at exactly what I wrote. It then clicked that this was one of the diaries that was written by a depressed young lady. I wrote her back saying that hey, that's for the compliment, that I've been a teenager before, and such. You can read exactly what I wrote later on in my future 'reviewed' page, or you can see the original review as posted on Dream Review by clicking here.

On a lighter note, lets see some of the other mail that I've reviewed and get my reaction. (Note: this next section is meant to humor only. If you don't like it, you don't need to read it)

Sugrmonkie wrote:

"I really enjoy your entries -- you're very insightful and intelligent. I'll be back often! =cT"

Why...thank you monkey. I'll be sure to read yours every once in a while as well. Have a banana.

Katress wrote:

"I have been reading Nikki's diary for about four months, and had never popped over here to take a look. MY MISTAKE! You're a fantastic writer! Good luck with the wedding planning, I know how stressful that can be. You're getting married on my three year anniversary. How sweet! :) Nikki and I may have more in common that I thought, my husband is a Marine..."

Respect! Respect! Respect to all Marines and their women.

struckbymygreatnesstoomuch* wrote:

"Marine, I hear you're great in bed. Is this true?"

I'm better, pass it on.

Doug wrote:

"Don't make me come to Montana and show you what I can do to those fingers, boy! They were your mistakes, i pointed them out, and you fixed them, isn't that what reviews are about? Yeah, i thought so, boy."

Ahem. Excuse me, I just got done sharpening my K-Bar combat knife after dulling it skining an egotisitcal baby-seal (Navy guy, for those of you who are military-illiterate). Oh, and did I mention that I recently got back from the shooting range? Or that Matt taught me what the Marines teach their trainees to do with their opponent's hearts? Of course I didn't. I didn't want to SCARE you with the THOUGHT of what I can do with these fingers before you even lay eyes on them. :P

pornactress69* wrote:

"Hey! Just wanted to stop on by and say how wonderful you were in "Boot Camp Basics"! You knew how to do a full-court military press like a pro! We got nominated for "Most Outrageous Sex Scene!" See ya at the awards party! ;P"

Umm...uhhh...well, heh heh. Lady, I think you have the wrong site. Although it's always a good thing when strangers recognize my skills just by my charming, good looks though.

geezerwithoutglasses* wrote:

"Chris! What's going on with you! You've changed, my boy. I remember when you were just a wee lad. I remember your first Christmas when you laid your eyes on your first K-Bar. You were so young your dad had to help you remove the packaging. You were such a loving child, taking that knife and slashing everything like your bed, the couch, the table, and the cat and dog. When you were merely seven, you got your first M-16. The next day we lost the cat somehow, and you somehow made a mean meatloaf that night. Why can't you make that again?

"When you turned sweet-sixteen, boy, things lit up then. Just like a good Montana family, we bought you your first Humvee. Remember what happened that night? You went around shooting up so many people and businesses that the nearby Air Force was called out. However, you were bad to the bone, just like your father and his fathers before him, and you defeated them all! The base had to call for backup because you shot up all them Air Farce jokers. Boy, it was real funny when they had to call out that Marine batallion and chase you all up and down the interstate, firing artillery and machine guns all the way. And after they finally caught you, no less than sixteen, how about that, sixteen, military policemen ran out and started beating on you Rodney King style! Those were the good ol' days. Did you tell that story at your wedding? Did that Air Farce Captain ever walk again? Did you blow up the base yet? Did you finally get yourself a rug made with Navy SEAL skin?

"Anyways my boy, I love you and good luck!"

Aww, gee grandama, I'm blushing. I had completely forgotten about all that. I love you too.

*Obviously some of these are faked - if you can't find them on my site and still believe someone wrote them, I have ocean-side swampland in Arizona to sell you, geared mainly for the expressed purpose of smuggling illegal immigrants from China.

"Here's a toast, to all those who hear me all too well!" - Eve 6, Here's To The Night

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