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2002-01-15 / 11:12 p.m.
There Can Only Be One Rogue


Today Doug left me a note on my guestbook, saying that he would like me to work with him on his new interview site One-on-One. Of course I was obliged to accept his invitation. He said that I just needed to go to the site and follow the directions. Apparently it hasn't gotten out to all of you that I'm actually a blonde, and I didn't see anything like that on the site except where to sign up for an interview. Did he want me to be an interviewer or interviewee? I'm not sure, so I sent him an email asking for clarification.

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but I redid my MGS 2 Notes page. I finally added my strategies and notes about Solidus and the Extreme-mode. I've still got to add info about the bonus items you get in the game, but I should have all of that done by the end of the week. For some reason, I feel like working on the layout of this diary again. Should I? Nicki says I shouldn't. I might go with her on this one.

She's also thinking about not doing any more reviews. I asked her about it and she said that she has trouble reviewing people. I convinced her to stick it out for now and that I'd help her with her reviewing. She currently reviews for Naked Reviews, as do I, and I think a lot has to do with the fact that she's been kinda slow doing the reviews themselves. Maybe I can drag some more information out of her tonight.

Oh, by the way, she hasn't lived yet. Why? She hasn't seen Wayne's World! We went out and rented that, Wayne's World 2, and The Naked Gun so that I could properly "introduce" her to "life". We also bought the DVD versions of American Pie 2, Scary Move 2, and Final Fantasy. I've heard good things about all three, and it'll be a plus to listen to them in Surround Sound thanks to the new stereo we bought a couple weeks ago. We're also saving now to buy a TV for the bedroom. I'm debating whether I would like it to be a regular TV, a TV/VCR combo, or maybe just buying a bigger TV for the living room and putting the old one in the bedroom. I'm more in favor of buying a bigger one, since the one we have now is kinda old, and I would like a bigger screen for when I play Metal Gear :). We also need to get a bigger monitor for the computer as well. That and a laptop computer for my typing.

I was reading some interesting stuff at today. I saw this article about junk science posted there. Check it out: "My friends, some strange stories in the stack of stuff on Tuesday that I just couldn't resist telling you about. If you put them all together, you have all the elements for an episode of Mad TV. You might want to stop what you're doing for this first one folks. Some researchers in Italy have made a profound discovery - overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults. The study has been published in the January issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. I wonder how much it cost to figure out the obvious? This reminds me of when Time magazine discovered that men and women are actually born different.

According to the lead investigator on the study, the research showed that, "43 percent of the subjects who were obese in childhood, were still obese as adults. Furthermore, another 29 percent of the subjects were overweight as adults." So 43 and 29, that gives you basically 69% of kids who were obese as children stay that way when they grow up. Amazing statistic, isn't it? I wonder what even gave them the first clue to look into this. You have to really marvel at these people. Something, somewhere, told this researcher that there might be a link between obesity in youth and in adulthood. I don't know what it could be, but they found the secret and unlocked the code. Thank goodness for these people - where would we be without them?"

Weird, huh? Check out the entire article by Clicking Here. There's some stuff about a sex survey that you might find interesting as well.

There was an interesting review today at Dream Reviews. A day or so ago they reviewed this lady who's name is Rogue 1. Don't get me wrong, this looks like a good diary and the content is okay, but as the theme goes in Highlander, "There can only be one". Maybe I should dress up like a terrorist and declare jihad against that site. I would be funny just to see me hauling around an AK, when its obviously the first time I've held one, and get hit by carpet bombing from a B-52 operating from a nearby military base run by.....Rogue 2.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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