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2002-01-09 / 8:48 p.m.
My Day Off


Well, this morning I accidentally got too much into playing Half-Life, and I wound up going to bed around four or so. I just about stumbled my way into bed, and I noticed that I was short one pillow. Nicki rolled over and said "Oh, by the way, I gave one of your pillows to Chuck to use. " Grr. I woke up eight hours later with an aching upper back and neck after sleeping on one stiff pillow. Tonight she says I can use one of hers. Believe me, I will.

She also decided to screw around with my journal today, posting an entry that some of you may have seen earlier saying that I'm gay. I'm not actually, and I gave her a hard time for doing that. I kinda felt betrayed because she and I know each other's passwords, and there's been a kind of unwritten rule that you don't mess around with the diaries themselves. Well, I've got a plan for revenge ready to be executed within the next few days.

She did this because she accidentally posted an entry, meant for her diary, onto the Naked Reviews site. I took a screen shot of it and you can see it by clicking here. Full screen the window, or it might not show up right. Rico gave me the idea on how I'll get revenge, and his lips are sealed (Nicki).

Chuck took down our Christmas Tree today. I got it started by taking off the decorations and stuff, and he put the actual tree away. I had him keep the lights out, since Nicki (and to be honest, myself included) will want to decorate with them. Ironically, they're GE(suck-ass) brand lights. They haven't exploded on me yet, but I know that it's only a matter of time. :P

I also became a reviewer for Naked Reviews too. Nicki says Tiara, the webmaster, should be giving me some work to do here for them soon. I also did two reviews for Dream Reviews as well. Today Galaxy Babie and Rocza got reviewed by me. Galaxy Babie's review is posted, and I submitted my review of Rocza, and it should be posted tomorrow I hope. Galaxy sounds like she might be having some personal problems that I can kinda relate to. I wanna keep to the point right now, so I'll expand on that maybe tomorrow or so.

My old Counter-Strike clan, the Silent Assassin Specialists, the clan with only myself and Rico as members, pretty much became revived today. We were playing and a guy wanted in. He wasn't cheating, and he plays remarkably well. We made him our third total member on Rico's recommendation. If you're reading this Kevin, good job man. You did well today and did us proud. I sent him an email with all the pertinent info about us and how to get in contact with the clan Captain, who just happens to be me (naturally).

Our clan was kinda dead for a bit. Rico and I both work full-time jobs at opposite times, and our days off are opposite as well. We basically play whenever we're both online and able to stay up for more than an hour. Maybe that will change now. I've been venturing out on my own for a while now on the CS servers, mainly under the name Iroquios Pliskin.

I was reading the "reviewing" section of Review-Me, and it seems that I'm being "reviewed", but they haven't posted a new review in three days. Looks like Witch Medic's waiting on hers too. What's the deal, yo? Too many review requests to reviewers? Lazy reviewers? I get mine done the day that I get the notice. What the hell's up.

Well, time to go get Chuck and go pick Nicki up from work. We're going to go to a fine mexican resturaunt that's right across the street from us.

"A foul wind is blowing. We shall speak again." - Revolver Ocelot, talking to Raiden, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

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