in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




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2002-01-01 / 7:51 p.m.
It's Finally Over


Happy New Year everyone. Well, it's my first day of being officially married. I was some day yesterday. Everyone was scrambling to do this and that, and I was being left out like the fifth wheel on a station wagon. Nicki later on told me that she nearly flipped out from the stress, but that's just her.

The wedding was taped, and I'll go into more absolute detail over it when I get it and the pictures are done. Nicki's was definately worth waiting to see. She was absolutely beautiful in, and her hair and makeup were just nothing short of stunning. I was shocked, and I guess my dad kinda laughed at the dumb-struck look on my face. Huston did a wonderful job of preaching the ceremony, and I managed to successfully prevent myself from collasping twice. Matt says it was more like four times, and I'll trust him at that, since I was too focused on Nicki to care.

I looked into Nicki's eyes while she stood there want we listened to Huston. I heard the words, but they rang hollow because I was totally captivated by Nicki's beauty. I now realize that location doesn't matter so much as the appearance of the bride at a wedding, and at this, Nicki, my sisters, and her step-mom get major applause and thanks for making her such look like the beautilful woman that I've always known her to be.

Nicki's dad covered most of the expenses, including the case. Makes my life easier. Plus he gave us a check with a dollar amount so large, the tomorrow I can finally go out and get ALL the parts I could ever need to build our new computer, and go get our stereo tonight. ;)

The reception was nothing short of amazing. There were lots of toasts to yours truly and my wife, and there was much music and dancing. In fact, Wes was even there, and I got a lot of pictures of him being a screwball at the reception. I'll get those developed tomorrow while I build the new computer and do my laundry. As for the rest of the time, well, I've let it leak out that Matt is the only allowed visitor to my apartment this week, since he's on leave. Everyone else is forbidden, and I'm sure you can guess why. Perv.

I know most of you were expecting an alternate entry tonight, and to be honest, I wish I had the time right now to write one. I have all the emotions and though necessary to make one, but I just flat didn't get the time to write one yesterday. I'll try to do one tonight, or tomorrow morning.

"I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Ahhh....those were the good ol' days. What were you in your former life?" - The Colonel, on a Codec call to Raiden, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

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