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2001-12-29 / 11:21 p.m.
Can We Get This Over With Please?


Another long day drags on. We made it to mom and dad's place around ten this morning, and we all got to open presents. Matt really liked the two beer posters I got him, and Nathan seemed to like the shot glasses and strobe light Nicki and I got him. It's nice to be able to get some good gifts for your family. Grandma gave me and Nicki $100, and from what I understand, Nicki's dad's going to give us more money as well. I suppose it would be nicer to get actual gifts instead of money, but I can easily turn the latter into the former. Not a problem. We also got enough towels to last us until the sun goes supernova, and a green sweater for your humble journalist. I'm sure Nicki will make off it with before long, since she's a green freak.

Dream Review finally got it's butt in gear and posted the reviews I did. I'm also being assigned to review Witch Medic's diary. It looks very nice, and I'm impressed with the war/WW2 theme he/she's got on there. I really haven't had time to review it in great detail yet. I'll have to get it done tonight before I go to bed, because tomorrow I have to figure out how my wedding is going to go down, right down to the nuts and bolts of it all. Nicki and I haven't even come to a real decision on the music either. Plus I have to write the Alternate Entry that I'm going to post on D-Day. I'm also in the middle of doing my own profile page, so that I'm not stuck with the D-land page that doesn't fit into my diary real well. Ugh. I can put off that project, but uhhh....I like doing other stuff.

Maybe that's why I'm so tangled up in other things. Maybe I don't want to think too much about D-Day. It makes my mind wander, and makes me wonder if everything is really going to go down as I have it planned. What if the cake isn't ready? What if some people don't make it? What if Rico didn't get his damned tux?

Worry gets me nowhere, and I achieve nothing by worrying about getting to the top. Guess I'll just climb the cliff when I get there.

I took the pictures I took yesterday in today and got them developed. They came out real well, especially the pictures of my MGS2 poster. The Snake/Raiden pictures came out crappy, all except one again. I'll post them later as another project. I even scanned the picture of Matt holding Kayla the first night he got here, so I can take those to him tomorrow. I know he'll want them. We'll get better pictures of him and his daughter because Matt will have Kayla for the wedding. It'll be interesting to see if they dress her up.

I went to Applebees for lunch with Nicki and her family. I reminded me alot of how my family would act in "public". No, it's not that bad. Okay, a bit. But this is my soon-to-be-in-laws I'm dealing with. It was also Veronica's birthday. The staff sang her happy birthay, and brough her some weird chocolate cheesecake. Nicki's dad Denny was talking about "unconditional love". Been there, got schooled on it, now I sell the T-Shirts. Like to buy one? I give out a free matching coffee mug with every purchase of three or more! Anyways, he didn't express any misgivings or anything like that, and Linda even seems to approve of me. Maybe I'm just that charming of a person. I guess.

Who woulda thunk it? The Rogue Marine, a charming ladies man. Wait...that's a actually a very good thing. Hide the women, because I don't go after men or children. :)

It'll be another cold night to drive in. Temperature outside must be around minus 1,000,000,000. Acutally, more like -2 really. I'll have to let the car warm up again. Speaking of which, knowing Matt, Mike, and John, they'll get cooperation from Rico, Elden, Ryan, Wes, and every-damned-one while they be little grease monkeys. I better find a way to have my car watched. The bastards are gonna do something to it on D-Day, I know it.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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