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2001-12-24 / 11:50 p.m.
I Swear He's Laughing At All Of This


Merry Christmas to everyone. Thought I'd start off with that. In case you missed it, here it is again - "Merry Christmas!"

Today was a backward kind-of day. We got the fish tank finally up and running, and we put three goldfish in there to start the ecology of the tank, but the fish died while Nicki and I were at work. The pumps and water are fine, but the temperature was kinda high, and it seems like the heater might be on the fritz. We're gonna find out of the heater just has a misalinged temperature setting, since that's the only place where something could have gone wrong. It sucks too, because the fish were pretty ones.

My dad helped me and Nicki set up the aquarium, and that took until about 2:15 P.M., which was time for me to leave for work. After I got to work, I realized something: I had forgotten my security card. Nicki and I had stopped at McDs on the way to work, and so we had no time to run back and get it. I had to wait for someone to let me in, because the receptionists, who normally take care of this, had the day off. Someone from the Tower finally let me in, but they couldn't let me on to the third floor, which has another security checkpoint. Had to wait for someone there to take pity on me and let me in.

The fun didn't stop there. While I was waiting, I realized that I had forgotten my backpack, which has all my books and soda. Fortunately, I only had to work 3 1/2 hours today, because we all got to go home at six. If I had to stay until lunch, which is at nine, I would have flipped, because I NEED CAFFEINE!!!!

Oh, it gets better. Six finally rolled around, and it was time to go when I realized that I didn't have my apartment keys, only my cars keys. I had to ask my friend Lila to let me into our company's other building so that I could get Nicki's keys. I hadn't noticed this before because I normally drive to work with Nicki's keys.

All day, it seems, I was only able to remember to wear clothes, a coat, and pack my CD player, headphones, and Rammstein. I'm not even sure I used deodorant today. Go me.

Only my department got to go home early, so Nicki wanted me to go over to her desk and wait out her time with her. I had to go home first and get my tag (on the computer desk), my keys (hanging up on the key board), and my card (on the table). She asked me to bring a deck of cards too, which were, ironically, located in my backpack. Ugh.

I taught Nicki how to play rummy again. Our first hand she scored 45 points, and put me in the hole by 35. Beginners luck. I know this, because on round three I scored 255 points to her 110. Go me. She wanted to play Speed later, officially because "Rummy makes me think." I believe I'll just let that statement stand, and not take a shot at it. Haha...I said Speed.

I also became an anointed Dream Review reviewer. I got to review Vertrauen Keins and Angel Of Roses. To be fair to them and Dream Review, I'll wait for them to be posted first before I tell you my thoughts on them.

We went to church tonight for the Christmas Mass and Holy Communion. No, the Marine is not turning into a Bible-thumper, but as they say "God willing, and with a few Marines" you can do anything. Besides, maybe He'll stop picking on me now. I know He's getting His jollies by making me be a blonde. I still think I forgot to do something, though. I hate that feeling.

Time is short and Santa is coming. We shall speak again

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