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2001-12-22 / 11:08 p.m.
I Have Been Forsaken


Looks like I jinxed myself when I said earlier that it wasn't busy. I've taken 29 calls in the span of 3 hours. Go me. I still think God's just getting his kicks from me here. I hate it when you can't beat Someone who's supposed to be all-loving. In reality, I'm sure he's more like "Loving every laugh He's getting from each joke He pulls on you." Alright, I admit it, I'm bitter, but I think I'm on to something.

Speaking of bitter, it's Turtle-Syndrome Cold (guys only) outside. Don't get it? Guys, then see if this statement applies to you: "Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins!" Yeah, now you get the picture (never said it was a pretty one). Anyways, the temperature can't be far above 0 degrees out there. Need to pick up some Heet when I go put more gas in the car either today or tomorrow. So far I've been able to start up the car on my first try, but I would feel better knowing that my fuel lines weren't gonna freeze anytime soon. Roads aren't too bad though, considering that there's still a lot of snow out here, and with it, all the ice that it covers. I haven't seen any, but I know that there's been a few traffic wrecks lately. What a Christmas gift, eh?

Speaking of gifts, Nicki and I went to BK tonight for lunch, and nearly were treated to a metal sandwich as a pickup truck damn nearly hit us head on by accelerating (on ice), and then deciding to turn at the last minute (without signaling). What an asshole. I swear stupidity is a species too dumb to breed itself out of existance.

Got a call tonight from a guy who's first words were "You're not a recording are you?" I was tempted to resond in kind by saying "Yes sir, I am. However I'm programmed only to respond like this and inform you that we do not take calls from people in Arkansas." Then again, Lowes corporate (the company that is paying my employer to pay me) is full of Stalinists and would have me fired on the spot. Later on in the call, he said to his family in the background "Y'all wanna shutup a min'ute?" It was all I could do not to laugh. It was the accent that really made it funny. I also had to read back to this guy the model and serial numbers he gave me, and I use the same phonetical alphabet that the military uses (naturally), and you read the letter W back as "Whiskey". I read this hick's model number back, and it had a W in it. When I said Whiskey, he started laughing. I'm glad to be rid of that call, and it was fitting that I had to tell the guy to go bug Sears to get his fridge fixed. I hate Lowes.

Lowes corporate enforces this rule that we're not supposed to say "Sears" during a call or in the notes of a call. Well, I don't say Sears unless I'm talking with the store, and always in the notes. I'm daring them to fire me for doing that, since I could slap a wrongful termination suit on both my employer and Lowes. Well, maybe just Lowes, but I'd have to make my employer partially responisble, since they're the ultimate ones that fire me. Either way, I'd make it so that they'd have to pay me until my grandkids are done with college. It'd serve Lowes right for being such soup Nazis. I mean it when I say this people, DO NOT buy products at ANY Lowe's store. They're absolutely desperate to beat Sears in any way possible, and to them, the ends justify the means. When they say that it's "Customer satiasfaction, or your money back," they actually mean "If we're not satisfied with your money, we'll give it back, but believe us, we're VERY satisfied with your money." Tell me how often they're not.

I know I have to work for our Lowe's department, but I mean, come on, this is my own personal Hell. Maybe God will forsake me, and damn my soul for enternity to take Lowes Appliance Advantage calls. Hey God, cut me some slack, will ya? While you're at it, Divinely Intervene on my behalf and get me that Computer Help Desk position.

10:53 P.M. Wow....I've made it this far without falling asleep. Props to the Rammstein CD and the pair of batteries that I wore out over a period of two days.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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