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2001-12-18 / 4:58 p.m.
Now I Know Why This City Sucks


Well, I went out and got fitted for my tuxedo today. Hey...maybe if I wear a bandana to my wedding, I can become Tuxedo Snake....nah, Nicki and Mom would never go for it. Anyways, the old lady there must have been the 500th person to tell me that it's kinda late to be planning for a wedding so soon. And for the 1,000th time we had to explain that I must have my brother at the wedding, but he's in the Marine Corps, part of the First Marine Division stationed out of Camp Pendleton, California, driver of a Light Armored Vehichle (LAV), Anti-Tank (AT). Ironically, his LAV unit is the only unit of its kind in the Corps, and half of his unit is right now finding mines the hard way in Afghanistan. He was told, after Sept 11th, not to plan on getting leave, and be possibly ready for deployment. In fact, he hasn't even seen his little girl since his wife gave birth to her, he's been so damned busy.

Anyways, Rummy and Co. finally decided to let all servicemen that had leave already approved take it, and we found out about this when he got back from the Field friday. We've been busy scrambling to put this together ever since. Anyways, the tux's will cost $70 each to rent, but Nicki's mom and dad both sent us money, and that will cover us well until next week, when we get paid again. We've still got more shopping to do for Christmas, but all the wedding shopping has been done for now.

We also went to the clinic today to get Nicki's Rubella test. Last time Nicki had a blood test, she told me, she fainted. So I was expecting to have to throw her over my shoulder and carry her out like a wounded soldier. Fortunately, Nicki was spared such humiliation, and I took her to Taco Johns for some tacos to get her body some food to replace that blood. She was kinda dizzy when we were waiting for food, but she made it to work today, which is a good sign. We'll have the results tomorrow afternoon, but the courthouse only issues wedding permits from 0830-1130 Monday thru Friday. So we'll have to wait until Thursday to get the license. We had to pay $29.60 for this test, and the license is $30.25. I swear the clinics and the state must have some sort of under-the-table deal here. In other words, if you want to get married here in Montana, be expected to pay at least $59.85. Fuckers.

Speaking of Satan, I had to take the car to work today. Arrived at 2:30 P.M., and the parking meters around here have a 2-hr time limit. That's fine, so I brought extra change. I got a call at 4:00, had to call GE Factory Service for appliances to take care of this customer, and GE had such a 40 minute wait time. I didn't get outside until 4:40, by which time the Parking Nazis had already ticketed me. I swear this city AND state are stupid. I'll go off on the city and their attitude about the police here later.

I changed the older entries' background today, and I also submitted my site for review by diaryreviews today as well. Nicki's had trouble having them review hers, and she's about to rip their link off of her site because they haven't reviewed her site for about a month. I don't blame her, but if they haven't reviewed mine in two weeks, then I'll rip theirs off of mine as well. I hate free-loaders.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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