in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




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2002-02-18 / 11:00 p.m.
Diary God/dess

Diary God/dess

02-18-2002 Diary God/dess (To see the original review, Click Here)


Navigation: Easy as pie. All the needed links are peasent and easily found. The archive page is very neat and tidy which tickles me pink.(5/5)
Colour: This is a pretty funky monkey layout. The background is amazing. the pictures are very nice indeed. The only thing that is holding this design back is the drab, grey scrollbars.(4/5)
Organization: Everything is well put together, nothing is out of place. (5/5)
Extras: site meter, quotes, rings...well, there's just a whole bunch of neat things here. (5/5)

Total for Layout:(19/20)


Humour: From what I've gathered, this is a fairly serious diary. But points go out for not being a downer.(3.5/5)
Emotion: The diarist can get rather passionate when she's writing about something that strikes a chord with him. Reviews seem to be something he has developed strong opinions about. (8.5/10)
Mechanics: Very nice. His english skills have been mastered well.(5/5)
Interest/style: I'll admit I just skimmed through some of the entries, but many of them were quite interesting; mainly the ones where he gives us, the readers, he opinions and thoughts on various subjects. I would like to see more of that. Also I would like to see some entries about your past. Always a great way to see into the diarist's mind.(7.5/10)

Total for Content:(24.5/30)



1) Why did you start an online diary?
I just felt that by sharing my ideas, opinions, and thoughts online would provide a way share them with the world.
2) Can you tell us a bit about your username?
The Rogue Marine is like a three-part concept. The first, Rogue, is from Rogue Squadron, a group of special operations fighter pilots off of Star Wars. Marine is obviously taken from Marine Corps, another type of special operations forces, and then I use the Image of Solid Snake as the personifaction of the Rogue Marine, who is me.
3) Is webdesigning a hobby of yours?
Absolutely. I like re-arranging things. I've gone through at least five different layout designs since November 2001.
4) You really seem into diary reviewing, both giving and recieving. How did you get started on that?
It stems from my idea of posting thoughts online. I thought I'd find out what others thought of the site, then decided I might want to share my opinions with others.
5) Tell me a really embarassing memory for you. Well, I haven't had any real embarrasing things happen, but it's kind of a funny story, I still get people who laught at it and me. When my brother Matt was up here on leave from the Corps for my wedding, he got uproariously drunk. I'd never seem him drunk up to that point, but it was funny watching him to say that he wasn't drunk. It was New Year's Eve, and him and a bunch of the other guys were singing a country song, but I can't remember what it was named. They were totally getting into it. I was watching them for a bit, and then decided to join in on it. My best friend Rico likes to razz me about that every now and then.


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Brusied, Battered Beaten, But Still Flying... Barely.

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