in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




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2002-01-20 / 3:54 a.m.
Diary Reviews Review


Diary Reviews

12-18-2001 Diary Reviews (To see the original review, Click Here)

Contact - 5
Email and guestbook..

Errors - 5
Zip, zero, zilch.

Navigation - 10
Easy. All links to the right in a neat little column. Simple and spiffy.

Updates - 15
Every day and more! The linking info dated 11-01 threw me off, but it doesn't change the other updates. (That was my feeble attempt to hide the fact that I hate having to make a separate entry for each section. It obviously didn't work. - RM)

Layout Design - 19
Metal Gear Solid! I love it! The pictures take a little long to load, though. The colours jumped out at me and were sort of odd at first, but the more I looked around, the more they seemed to fit. The table and title are spiffy, text is easy to read. I see you've been having fun with animations - blinking links to diaries and reviews. Though if your number of these increases, I suggest making a page for them or sticking them in their own row or column. For now, though, they're cool. I also recommend - and jAne agrees with me - coloured scrollbars and a copacetic background colour between Imood and the page would pull it all together. (Takhomasak (Nicki)) and I have been trying to make that work here. For some reason, the coding doesn't like. I am working on making this a reality though. I am working on making th filesizes smaller, but the images sizes themselves are such that it doesn't leave me a lot of room to play with, but it's a suggestion worth following up on. - RM)

Content - 35
Wonderful, wonderful. There's lots of reality in this diary, but it's interesting and holds a reader's interest. I especially like the random writings, entitled 'Alternate Entries' you've done. You've got a quite a talent for the written word. All mixed in with life and creativity in here is some clever humour. The paragraph about the catdog and mancow really made me laugh aloud while reading! Also, I can really feel some serious emotion about all that important stuff in certain entries. There's some sporadic typos, but other than that grammar and whatnot is excellent. A pleasure reviewing you! (Thanks for the compliment. However, I have a slight case of dyslexia, and that sometimes shows up in my writing. I proofread my work before I post it, but obviously I miss a few things sometimes. I'm working on it, though. - RM)

Bonus - 10
So many! My favourites - linking info, MGS2 notes, rings, reviews/awards. There's more!

Total - 99/100

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Personal Log, 25 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-25
Personal Log, 24 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-24
Personal Log, 23 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-23
Personal Log, 22 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-22
Personal Log, 21 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-21

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