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2002-03-26 / 11:35 p.m.
Hell Yes I Cuss Alot, So F*** You


Wow. Warm weather finally befalls my town. Today was finally the first day of spring for me, since I really didn't need to wear my coat. It must have been like 50 degrees outside in the sun, which is a welcome change from the sub-zero temps we had only a few days ago, I believe. I went out and got some more dice, before I went to work, for the game of Deadlands: Hell on Earth that I run occasionally when it gets boring at work. Will, Melissa, Teri and I didn't get to play for very long though, since it was far-busier than normal. I ate before I left for work around two, but since I don't come home until after nine usually, that's a long time to go without eating, since I eat when I get up around ten or so. Unfortunately, that really got to me today as my hunger combined with irritability/stupidity/I-don't-think-I-want-to-know-how-they-contort-their-faces-to-speak-english-ness to make me very one pissed off CSR today. I managed to keep it inside until Nicki and I left and went to go get food before heading back. That, combined with good music, helped me out a lot. I'm still a bit rusty with my game-mastering for Deadlands, but it's all coming back to me.

I'm also working on a new character sheet design for Deadlands. I almost had it available for today's games, but the tables that I sued weren't outlined like I wanted them to be, and I didn't realize it until I saw the printing just as I was packing up to head out. Oh well. It should be ready for the next game, most likely to be on Saturday night. Will's also left a standing invitation for me to join him and few others in their Star Wars role-playing games every Friday night. Now that I have weekends off, I think I'll join him, but he needs to learn how to be an effective gamemaster first, since he's never done it before, and I'm sure that the others are trampling him over things that he should know, but doesn't. Hopefully he comes over to my place Thursday so that I can give him a crash course.

At Rogue Reviews, we've gotten a replacement for the loss Witch Medic left our group. I've accepted the application of Migrainegirl, and will announce later on tomorrow who will fill the spot Corporal. Friday also represents the day that the polls open for us to decide who gets our Reviewers Choice of the Month Award. It'll be the first time that we award it, and I'm curious to see who wins it.

Migrainegirl also mentioned in her application, which is a review of my site, that she thinks she disagrees with me on several issues, and I'm taking that to mean political issues, although I back up my views with well-worded arguments. I thought I might share a few ideals that, in addition to my stance on prostitution, I side myself on in regards to morals:

  1. I've been convinced that we should apply the death penalty statutes to war criminals and individuals found guilty of treason. All others should receive life imprisonment in a hard-labor camp in the barren plains of Alaska. Why? Because judicial decisions can be endlessly revised and expanded, and if we overturn someone's sentence, but they're already dead, then it's a moot point. It also places the family in greater pain and suffering, since their loved one was vindicated, but killed by the State beforehand. If they're in a labor camp, they're still alive and can be returned to loved ones. Don't get me wrong, as I know that mistakes in criminal cases are made each day, but we should do our absolute best to protect the innocent, even if they're found guilty, incase the facts later prove otherwise.

  2. Abortion should be limited to cases of rape, incest, and jeopardy to the mother's life. Argue all you want about the woman's right to choose, but you kill a living organism when you perform an abortion. In fact, there was a recent study released that links an increased chance of breast cancer to abortions. A lesson soon forgotten is a lesson never really learned, and if a woman, who is seriously sexually active, becomes pregnant and gets an abortion, we as a society say it's okay to go out and have sex and abort the kids you don't want. That's how it is in our current system. If you become pregnant accidentally, but can't support the kid, there's a lot of couples around this country who are just waiting to adopt a child. If we as a society promote irresponsible behavior, it will be impossible for us to maintain a free society because no one will care about the responsibility each of us has to help create a society that we can all live in.

  3. The constitution says that we have a right to keep and bear arms. Why? Because a society that cannot fight back against an unjust government or an encroachment becomes a subjugated populace. The Nazi's took away their citizens guns during World War 2. Great Britain has banned private gun ownership and has seen their crime rates skyrocket in the time since the bill became law (and they wonder why). Guns, like sex, have people who use them irresponsibly and jerk their triggers at everything that has two legs and moves. The point is that it's a small portion of the populace who uses their hardware in such a manner, and when you ban them, you only hurt the people who obey the law! Criminals don't care what laws say you can and can't do! They break them! That's why there's such a thing as a criminal.

Now, time to delve into the realm of politics:

  1. Although I am registered as a Republican, I won't vote a certain way on an issue because they want me to. I am an independent thinker who prides himself on seeing and analyzing both sides of the issues, and making a judgment after viewing both sides.

  2. I believe that Bush is better than Gore because it was proven that Gore and Clinton both accepted campaign money from the Chinese military, didn't refund it when it was exposed, and China wound up with enough military technology to upgrade their nuclear arsenal by about ten years, making their missiles as accurate as ours. Bush may seem like an idiot, but I'd rather have an idiot in there than someone who could be potentially blackmailed into being a Chinese puppet. Robert Hanssen was a Russian spy in the FBI, and was one for ten years. He was about to become the Director of the FBI when they finally caught him. Imagine what the Russians would have learned had he made it there. Now image what the Chinese would have done had Gore been in office and they decided to blackmail him. Scary, huh?

  3. Nuclear weapons will be around until the end of time. I'd love to have them gone, since they're only targeted at civilians, but if get rid of them, and some wacko gets their hands on (which is a very serious possibility with the fall of the Soviet Union) one, they can literally force just about anything they want out of us. I believe we should continue to improve and upgrade our arsenals, because dictators have a nasty habit of breaking treaties on such things.

  4. It was actually proven in a recent survey that there are fewer or about the same amount pedophiles in the Catholic Church as in just about any workforce occupation. To slam the good work that the Church has done over the actions of the few is to follow the example of the British when they banned guns after one deranged lunatic killed a few people. The damage is done, but direct your fire on the people who helped cover it up and those who did the dirty deeds, not Catholics as a whole. I'm a confirmed Methodist myself, and I find it ironic that I'd defend a different sect of my faith, but I think about how people could do the same thing to those of my faith: blame the actions of the few on the many.

  5. Gays and lesbians: I work with several homosexuals, and I find them to be as normal as you and I. As long as you aren't seriously trying to 'convert' me, go do whatever you want in the bedroom with whoever, so to speak. If it is truly a sin of God, He'll sort it all out in The End. God did not create man to do His work on Earth in this respect. The people I work with know my preferences, and I don't attack them on theirs.

  6. I do believe that there is a definite bias against conservatives in the major media, Hollywood, and in colleges around the country. That's fine, but the problem is when you let your biases have a considerable influence on your judgment. People judge you by your actions, and if you're seen as someone who will not give someone a fair shake, why should you expect them to give you one?

Wow. That was a lot. I put in there a lot more than I thought I would. Cool.

I also got an email back from my brother. I think the Marines have exposed him to too many TOW-2 Missile fumes. Here's what I wrote him:

Wassup bro? You finally got enough brain cells together to know how to use email, I see. I guess that puts you one step above the rest of your unit, doesn't it? Fuck it. What's been happenin? I've Kayla a few times, and she's got your same damned attitude. I think mom told me once that she even likes to pick on the dogs. I guess it is in the genes.

So when are you getting deployed? Do you know yet or are they not going to let you tell me? Oh well. If you're online, and wanna know what's going on with me, you can read my diary online at Nicki also has one, and she's at

Hit me back, man. I've got some stories to tell about Sara and Nicki's trip to see Michelle.

This is the response I got back from him today (Warning: liberal use of foul language is present. Do not read if you'll be offended):


hell fucking no i didnt gather up the mothrfucking brain cells to learn to use a computer. what the fuck do i look like? you?fuck no. i still have to have somebody standing close by in case i get lost or confused. so fuckoff. hell yes i cuss alot so fuck you. bullriding is hands down the greatest thing i have ever done in my life, chris. i cant explain the way it makes me feel but finaly now i am sure of who i am and this is it. i ride every chance i get i spend all of my money on it and nothing except for my daughter and the marines is more important. I'll send you a recent picture of me soon. take care.

All I can say is "Hell yes I cuss alot, so fuck you!" Hahahaha....That'll be my new catchphrase. Nicki and I both got a good laugh out of it.

"Hell yes I cuss alot so fuck you." - LCPL Matt Fleming


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