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2002-03-06 / 11:26 p.m.
Adventures In A Vacation - Part I


Well, my first day of vacation didn�t go so bad overall. The interview for that possible promotion lasted about a half-hour. I cam home, took Nicki to work, and then, after playing some Counter Strike, went to take a nap. Nicki�s throat started acting up, so I had to take her home around four. I went to sleep this afternoon around one, and woke up when she tried calling at three. I didn�t realize that I must have been that tired. Oh well. I should be hearing back from the interviewer-guy by Friday at the latest. I�ll just check my email while Nicki and I are there picking up our paychecks. It�ll be her first full-time paycheck. It�ll be short a few hours from the earlier time that I had to take her home, but other than that, it should be dang-near 80-hour checks for the both of us. Sveet.

I got home and played CS with Rico. We were playing for at least three hours I think. I also downloaded some new character models and weapon models for CS. One of the new models is a pretty good rendition of Dante from Devil May Cry, and that combines with the Metal Gear Solid 1 Solid Snake skin. I also found an awesome new skin for the Colt M4A1 rifle that�s in the came. Now it actually looks like a carbine instead of a sleeker M-16. I�ll dig around to see if I have screenshots to post up here.

I also started writing Alternate Entry 14, which is the continuation of 13, this afternoon. I should get it done by tomorrow, along with the reviews that I have pending with Naked Reviews and Rogue Reviews. I�m also starting to prep this computer for the LAN party on Saturday. Cleaning off the desktop, organizing MP3�s and such. Basically make it look really presentable and all. Rico�s going to come on by around 9 P.M that Friday night, and he and I are going to get some Subway sandwiches and a 24-pack of Mt. Dew, since it�ll be an all-nighter. Nicki�ll have to driver her self to work that Saturday, that is assuming the temperatures around here get nicer. It�s been hovering around below-zero temps for the past few days, and then it�s been lightly snowing for the past three days I believe. It�s nuts for sure. Anyhow, time to go sleep in now.

��WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A Navy SEAL who fell from a Chinook helicopter Monday was dragged away by three al Qaeda fighters and executed as his commanders watched in agony the images beamed back from a reconnaissance plane, U.S. officials said.� That was on CNN today. The Red Cross and the Commission of Human Rights keep whining about our treatment of detainees at Camp X-Ray. They complain that the detainees are held in "kennel-like" structures. They complain about the food they are given. They complain about the way they are transported from Afghanistan and about the way their hair is cut. The detainees at Camp X-Ray have clothing, food, blankets, sleeping mats. They have water, and even have a Muslim chaplain to lead them in prayer. They are allowed to grow their hair back once they arrive at Camp X-Ray. They get so much. US soldiers in Afghanistan live in holes in the ground and sleep in sleeping bags. They eat MREs and fight the sand that gets literally everywhere. If the Al-Qaeda gets a hold of an American, he is not given food, and shelter, and prayer services. He is being beaten and executed. So, to the Red Cross and the Comission of Human Rights and whoever else who is whining out there - Fuck you� � Witch Medic, in a journal entry dated 03-06-2002

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