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2002-02-16 / 11:30 p.m.
Word To The Wise: Never Have Cops As Friends


Well, today was definitely jam-packed with "fun". Earlier this morning, Rico and I finally played Aliens Vs. Predator 2 online for a bit. He sucks, but mainly because his Gateway computer is not up to par with today's technologies. We've decided that we work better in the Counter-Strike gaming enviroment, and I don't blame him. I also decided to stop slacking, and completed the reviews on Colmatude, Jellyfishie, and Greenishblue. I'm really sorry that it took me so long to get your reviews done guys. My usual promptness just got blown away by my reality. I'll work on getting them done in my usual 24 hour timeframe in the future. Actually, it won't be too much longer, since Sam gave me three more reviews to do for Dream Review. I liked reviewing Colmatude's diary, since she's a Muslim living in Malaysia. I am not biased against Muslims, even though my brother may one day fight against people who call themselves such. She writes very well, in fact, she writes about my level. She wrote an entry saying that she's sad that I removed myself from the bachelor pool. *slicks his hair back and adjusts his shirt*

I also started getting myself and Nicki on a new schedule. To accommodate her new shift, we need to start getting up around 10 A.M. I was amazed I got up around then, considering that I went to bed around 4:30 this morning. Nicki couldn't get up, but I did coax her out of bed around 11:30. Up until then, I was chatting with Witchy, and she showed me some photos of her military gear and such. It was cool looking at the pic of her Katana.

Nicki and I then went to Target to get a new headset/microphone setup for my online gaming, and a new phone. I also wanted to get another X-Wing Leggo model to put together at work. (I only do that to annoy my ass-of-a supervisor, since there's nothing he can do about it.) One time, one of my old sups tried to get me to remove them, but once I had the center director and my division's head breathing down his neck, he backed the hell up off. And Jake knows it too, so he won't even try touching them. Anyways, Target did have a headset, but it was a cheap GE one, and my opinion of GE products is about as low as I can go. So we packed it on over to Wal-Mart. When we walked in, we met up with another Leggo freak that I knew when Cendant Montana was still open. He's now working for the local Pepsi outlet here, so he's doing good. We also met up with an old friend of mine from high school, Samantha. She's got a little boy named Morgan now, and is doing amazingly well. The kid acts like his mom, that's for sure. I wish she and I had more time to get caught up on things.

Anyways, Wal-Mart didn't have an X-Wing model, so I settled for two TIE Fighter models. We also got a brand new cordless phone that has Caller ID built into it. We also got me a badass headset. Check it out:

I also forgot to bring the medications for my still-lingering ear infection to work today. I asked Nicki to bring them with her when she came to work, but she forgot them as well. Her supervisor decided to let her make a quick trip home to fetch them, and not penalize her at all. This guy is quickly earning a gold star in my book.

I also had a first happen to me tonight as we were driving home for lunch. I, for the first time, got my ass pulled over by the cops today. See, our car has either a faulty wire or bad bulb in our left headlight, and it went out again tonight. The cop gave us a warning on it, which means on Monday I'll probably have my sister Sara help me figure out what the hell is wrong with it. The high-beam lights work just fine, just not the low-beams. Anyways, it wouldn't have been as bad if the cop, as he was handing everything back to us and sending us on our way, hand't asked "How do you know Officer Murphy?" Officer Murphy is one of my two police explorer advisors, with the other being Officer Stimac. I just shook my head and told him that she was one of my explorer post advisors, and he started laughing. He wouldn't have asked the quesiton if Stimac or Murphy hadn't prodded him to, which means one of the two was on shift as well and heard the call for a warrants/LP check. Which also means at our next meeting on Wednesday, they'll be asking "Oh, by the way, President Chris, what were you doing Saturday night?" I swear I'm never going to hear the end of this. My friend Ryan probably heard it as well, since he likes to listen to the calls on his scanner every now and then. Which means next time I see HIM, he'll be like "So, how fast WERE you going? And why did you get caught?" Ugh....I know Rico is plotting to use this on me, knowing that bastard I call a best friend.

It doesn't stop there. There's another possiblity that my parents will know about it before I tell them. We have another friend, Officer Lopez, who is kinda tight with my folks. If he was on duty/heard the call on a scanner, he'll be sure to stop by and mention it. Hell, if I'm really unlucky, it'll be in the Sunday paper. Unnggaawwwhhh.....The price I pay for having friends who are cops. Oh, and as I was heading back to wrok from lunch, I had a cop tailing me for about four blocks. This guy finally passed me and went on his merry way, but I'm certain that it had to be on of my advisors telling his cop buddies that they're tailing my ass again. I drove like five under the speed limit, and had my high-beams going the whole time, so I wouldn't give them the pleasure of warning me AGAIN.

I also decided to show my affection for Nicki tonight. I bought her a dozen roses and a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. She knew I was going to bring something, but I doubt she knew what. She also told me she wasn't feeling great, otherwise I'm quite sure that right now I umm....distracted! Yes. Doing other things right now. Anywho, time to get cracking on more reviews.

Time is short and cops can be asses sometimes (especially when they're your friends). I shall be embarrased/paranoid again.

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