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2002-02-13 / 4:14 p.m.
Random Thoughts


Slowly and surely, the ear infection is going away. Finally. I still have half a bottle of pills to take, so I'm not through with it yet. It's ached a little bit, and it even woke me up one. Didn't keep me up, just woke me up, as if to say 'Hey, Chris. I'm still here, bitch,' and then going away entirely, letting me go back to sleep. I guess it must have still realized that I have half a bottle of ear drops left. Ha! Take that!

The cable tech called me around 2:30 this afternoon. He says that the problem with my internet connection is not at my level, but at one of the network nodes for my area. He's traking the problem, which is that that the node keeps on losing the signal from the central servers. It must just the one that takes care of end of town's modems, because I've asked some co-workers if they've had problems, and they tell me that it's just me. Poo on them. I get internet connection sporatically. I can update my diary, and retrieve email, but that's about it. When I web surf, I always lose connection in the middle of a download. Never fails.

Yesterday, I spent all my free time writing that Alternate Entry that I posted yesterday. I'm about to start into chapter five of my book, but I need to organizae exactly waht's going to happen in that chapter. I have the basic premise, but I need to roganize it all, and throw in a couple extras. In chapter six or seven, something really big is going to happen to the crew of Oversight, and I need to lay the groundwork for it. That's the down side. I'm hoping to turn my book into a trilogy, but it might wind up being a duology if things don't get worked right. Hell, if it doesn't get as far as the printing press, well, I'm sure my visitors will like it enough that they'll wish they did print it. I write becuase I like it, but making a little bit of money off of my writings is never a bad thing.

The Kitty had an entry yesterday, where she congratulated a couple diarists who've become pregnant. Then she wrote an entry today in which she comlained of similar symptoms. She said that, basically, it's nearly impossible for her to be so right now. Just thinking about that shit scares the hell out of me. I mean, that's logically the next step in mine and Nicki's marriage, parenthood. She and I take the proper "precuations", but I still get freaked out on occasion. There's no one method that's totally safe except abstinance, but if anyone thinks that THAT's gonna happen to a young, married couple, then I've got oceanside property in Utah that I want to sell to you exclusively. Anyways...I just see my niece Kayla, and it makes me wonder what's going on through my brother's mind. Hell, he's stuck out in Camp Pendleton, California, with the 160th Light Armor Reconnaisance while his daughter is stuck here in Montana. Hell, there's even a wildfire blaze that's crossed onto the base's property. I think Matt's out in the field right now, but I mean, I just wonder what it would be like for Kayla to grow up without her dad. Then I think back on how I want to be a police officer. When you're a cop, you get up every day, slap on a Kevlar vest, and kiss your family goodbye on the way out the door, not knowing if you'll be seeing them again at the end of the day. Indeed, I know those are the risks that come with the uniforms and badges, but what makes people want to take that kind of risk. Money? Fame? The thrill of the job? One part of me says, "To defend and protect what we stand for." So is it a desire to be noble? Man...Psychology courses don't make answers, they just generate more questions.

Ugh...I wish that cable guy would fix this damned modem. I've got five reviews for Naked Reviews to get done, and I can't get them done with sporadic internet service.

"The insects are huge, and the poison's all been used. And the drugs won't kill your day job. That's why...I pay no mind...I pay no mind...I pay no mind..." - Beck, Pay No Mind, Mellow Gold

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