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2002-02-10 / 9:24 p.m.
Still Suffering I Am


Sorry for not updating this yesterday. I've just been dealing with all this sickness and crap. It's made me feel real lousy, and I'm not able to eat much right now. I'm sure it's the anti-biotics that I'm taking that's killing my appetite, and then making all foods, besides chicken-noodle soup, unappetizing. Then yesterday I had the worst neck cramp I've ever experienced. My friend Melissa suggested that I probably slept on it wrong. Maybe. I had another co-worked recommend Midol for the neck pain. I didn't believe him at first, but I was in so much pain that I had no real choice but to try it. It worked, amazingly. It didn't completely kill the pain, but it made it a lot less severe, and much more tolerable. Which was a very big plus, because I could then go to work.

Today I still feel like hell, and to be honest, if I could stay home I would. But, again, work changed its attendance policy to one that any missed day, no matter if the excuse is legitimite or not, counts against you. My friend Lila, who is elderly, is out with pneumonia. We expect her desk to be cleaned off within the next few days. Our supervisor is turning into Major Asshole. There was a team meeting on Friday, which I missed because of this ear infection, that, according to accounts from several people that attended, quickly turned into a meeting where the supervisor bitches us all out. Everyone came away with the impression that he was just looking for an excuse to write the whole lot of us up for insubordination and fire us all. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow, no matter how I feel, and find out if we can find a way to work this all out. If not....I'll be talking to the director of customer service, the department that I work in, and demand a transfer to a different program or a different set of hours that wind up removing me from his team. Mine and Nicki's lives depend on my income, and I'm not going to risk it all on a supervisor who's moods are more like a roller-coaster.

Rico sent me a link for a new "skin" for Counter-Strike. It's a model of Solid Snake. It wold change my appearance on the game to that of Snake. I'll have to download and install it before we play again. But tonight will be an early one for sure. There's just too much to do tomorrow. Nicki and I didn't deposit our paychecks on Friday, so we need to do that tomorrow to get our rent money in. Then we have laundry to do, then I gotta get down to work early to talk to my sup, Jake.

The copy of that Word program that Witchy sent me finally arrived yesterday. Now if the checks that Nicki ordered would come in, man, I'd be all set. Wait, it would be even better if the ear aches, random dizzy spells, and all this bad crap would go away so that I could go back to a life of irresponsible good cheer, and get all the reviews that I have piling up done. I have to "officially" notify Naked Reviews know that I'm out of commission for a bit. This just absolutely sucks butt. I know someone's got to be wondering what's going on with me and all my reviews that are piling up. Hopefully they've been reading my entries of misery.

Oh, I thought I might mention this. Witchy's new diary layout looks absolutely spiffy. Much more modern and stuff. I wish I thought of the same design, 'cuz then I'd be The Man.

"We've been made to suffer. It's out lot in life." - Threepio, talking to Artoo-Detoo, Star Wars: A New Hope

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