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2002-02-01 / 1:43 p.m.
Notice to Dream Reviews


Ugh. I swear, I'm about to kill this British guy out in Laguna Beach, CA. He just totally vaildated my Undeniable Truths of Call Centers by refusing to stop gabbing. I would speak a sentence and he'd return with 20 of them without taking a breath. All of you in Britain: Stand by and watch for a guy being thrown over the mainland. With luck, he'll land in Ireland, and we can let my Irish brothers take care of his cheap ass, but watch out just in case. Speaking of the Undeniable Truths, I printed it out today and posted it at my desk. I'm taking bets as to when they force me to take it down.

A co-worker of mine got busted for surfing the internet between calls. Keep in mind that she doesn't visit pornographic or obscene sites, just news sites and the occasional place that elt's her play Free Cell. They put her on a "verbal" warning, but they had to put it on paper, so it winds up being a "written verbal". I find that about as amusing as I do with reguards to half my company's polices. God, I hope I get promoted soon so that they can't monitor me....

I was reading Mach5's journal a day or so ago, and he mentioned that he worked for Best Buy. Ironically, the call center I work handles the calls for Best Buy's installations and Performance Service Plus plan calls. I hope he isn't one of the lazy clerks that tells everyone to call her with all their problems, or I might have trouble restraining her. As of late, Nicki's been breaking my leashes left and right, and, when she does, she takes them and beats me into submission with them. Oh, and I'm kidding there, by the way. *swallows and looks behind him*

Speaking of abuse, Nicki got me good today. I was mentioning how my left ear randomly starts aching after I clean it out, and she said "What do you use to clean it with, a Q-tip or your keys?" And if that wasn't bad enough, we were talking about sex later. I mentioned that "sex isn't a space launch. It's like a submarine: it does up and down reguardless of what's in the way." She then shot back "Except during the Crimson Tide." Good god, she's picking up on my sense of sarcasm. Great.

I finally completed the changes that I had planned for now on my site. Like them? Too bad the changes don't appear on all my pages. Ramanda signed my guestbook saying that it's because of the template system that Andrew is using for Diaryland, and the pages should get updated soon. I hope so, because I like my changes better.

I was reading the website of our town's cyber-cafe, The Worx Online, and it looks like the owner Matt has finally decided to hold weekly LAN parties. I'm gonna stop by tomorrow and ask him when those happen, and maybe reserve myself a slot and pass on the work to Rico. For those of you who aren't in the know, a LAN party means that you and a bunch of others bring your computers to a central location, link the together, and play games and stuff all night. I wouldn't mind taking my badass computer down there and whipping them all up, leaving Rico to pick up after me. I only make it LOOK like he has more skillz than me. Haha!

I've made a decision about Dream Reviews. I'm going to complete the reviews that I have pending with them, and the resign. I'm tired of doing work for them and them not getting my review done. Not even an update, unless I press them about it, as to when it'll be done. Dream Reviews, if you're reading this, this is your notice. I'm turning the one review that you have assigned to me and then resigning. You'll get an email notification from me as well. Sorry, but I feel that I'm being shafted here.

I found a hilarious Star Wars joke-thing. You can view it by clicking here. It's a very large file, but it'll open in a separate window that will let you continue reading this site while the file downloads.

I also recently took some weird test that tells you what kind of alcoholic beverage you are. Rico took it, and he was rated as a "Brandy ALexander", whatever that is. I however, know what a Long Island Iced Tea is, which is what I am.

Drink me!
Which drink are you?

Anywho, Nicki calls, and I better answer her if I know what's good for me.

Her patience is short and my life is about to end. I shall be leaving now...

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