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2002-01-30 / 10:30 p.m.
When They Finally Review My Site, Will Somone Please Ask My Grandkids to Inscribe The Scores Into My Tombstone?


Well, I finally got Chapter Three done in my book. For the next few chapters, I'm going to reduce the tempo in it and try to draw it out some. I'll probably post a section of it up here online, but that'll most likely be it until it's completed. Nicki asked me how many cahpters it was going to be, and I told her that I really don't know. I hope to make thie first set a three-part adventure, and I have a good idea of what I want to have happen overall in each section. But Rogue, how could you be planning THREE books when you've yet to get ONE published? Good question. I've said it before, but I might was well make it offfical. The story I'm writing, if it is not published, will be posted in its entirety, on this site. Basically, I'm writing it for shits and giggles. I'm sure that SOMEONE will want to publish it, based on the feedback that I've gotten, but I'm almost certain that I'm getting my hopes up there.

Speaking of the wife, she went ahead and re-did her diary's layout. Looks really nice, but I'd change the pic of her that's in the upper right hand corner.

I got some good feedback from yesterday's posting. I had lbrty828 sign my guesbook saying that she's gonna print it out and bring it to work. I offered to give her a more printer-friendly version of it, but she hasn't gotten back to me about it. Come to think of it, I should print it out myself and take it to work. See how many supervisor-nazi's attack it. On the other hand, there could be a tremendous outcry for it. Or I might wind up being shot if it's a full moon as well. You never can tell when you work with a large group of people.

Curve Reviews posted my review today, after requesting one not even 24hrs earlier. Granted it looks like it's a new review site, but I mean, I've been waiting more than two weeks for my reviews to come back from Dream Reviews, Mess Reviews, and Rawk Reviews. It annoys me about Dream REviews because I'm currently reviewing for them, but I've been waiting to have mine done while others who requested for one, after I did, already have theirs. I have one review pending for them, and I'm considering withholding that review until mine is completed. Plus, they sent out an email to, I suspect, all their reviewers, basically asking them to reapply to be reviewers. THat's due by the fourth of next month, and they made it a REQUIREMENT that you have AOL IM. I refuse to use it because the security on it is the worst of all the IM programs out there, like Yahoo Messenger. Maybe all the other reviewers are working from their mommy's or daddy's computer, but I'm working on one that I have spent $1300 on to build by myself, and I do not want to risk it all over one dinky, easily-cracked program. I'll be deciding within the next day or two wheter or not I really want to be reviewing for these guys.

Rawk Reviews, I suspect, hasn't been updated in at least two months. I'm thinking of pullign their link off of my site, and posting a link on my entires for them to click on when they finally get around to reviewing again. X-treme Reviews seems to cank out one or two reviews every TWO or FOUR DAYS. I don't expect to see my site reviewed until the end of 2005 at this rate. Pimp Reviews hasn't cranked out a new review in the last twelve days, and I suspect that the owner decided to give up on it. Now, Review-Me is takign their sweet tiem with their reviews, but I don't mind. Why? Because they have a page that shows who's being reviewed next, and you can see where your diary stands in the "request" line. Maybe other review sites should start doing this, hmm?

Speaking of which, I may have to stop doing reviews for all sites except for one. My days are rapidly getting more and more packed, work's a pain in the ass, and the book is taking up a lot of time as well. Plus I'm also working on new images for this page as well. I'm also considering a layout change, since it's growing, especially in the last few days, by leaps and bounds. This moring I posted a new section called The Wall. Some of you who read it may notice that it looks a lot like Witch Medic's wall. She graciously let me copy that list. What does it all mean, Basil? I'm getting to that now. It's a list of the names of soliders, from all branches of the U.S. armed forces, tbat have died since Vietnam. All the names that I got from Withcy don't have ages or hometowns listed. I'll try to provide that information for my additions, as well as branch of service and how they died. If you're reading it, and know someone that should be on there, please email me about it. I'll try to post all the names that I can get.

Anyways, the fatigue is threatening to knock me out and have me drool on my keyboard here while I sleep. While it would be a great laugh for you all to see me with a bunch of quare marks on the side of my face, unfortuantely, my ego can't take that kind of a beating right now.

"When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass." - Former coach Bobby Knight

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