in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




Alt Entries






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2001-12-23 / 8:09 p.m.
Alternate Entry 4

The two black Night Stalker helicopters streaked in from the east. The choppers were big, streamlined, and nearly didn't make a sound unless you were close by. Not that it mattered to Rogue and the rest of Oversight, who were strapped into rappeling harnesses in the hold of the helicopters, just forward of the two engines. Their black battle-dress uniforms (BDUs) were adorned with all manners of trinkets, from the harnesses to radios to ammo to their weapons. Rogue didn't like for working for the U.S. Governemnt, but as Oversight's commanding officer, he knew that occasionally you did some off-the-wall jobs to pay the bills and make a friend or two.

Terrorists had seized the American embassy in Germany. Ordinarily it would have been a job for the German GSG, but the American President took some advice from his Secretary of Defense earlier in the year, to have a semi-official-black-group for some wetworks that you didn't want others messing in. Thus Oversight was contacted, and after a brief negotiation, was being rushed into a tricky rescue operation. The German police had blockaded a two block wide radius from the embassy to keep the media away, and to give them cover for their operation.

"STORM-2, STORM-2, this is -1, be advised two minute ETA. Tell your ground humpers to saddle up."

"Acknowledged," STORM-2 replied.

Rogue stood on seeing the signal, and moved to the door. Before opening it, he looked to the opposite end to see that Fox was doing the same. With a small nod, they opened the doors as the crew turned out the lights. Switching on his night-vision, Rogue saw the other chopper, and could even see their doors open as well. 'Looks like Ferret didn't fall asleep. Good.' Rogue thought to himself. He moved to his position just behind the cockpit, and hooked his rappelling ropes up. He saw his other team members doing the same as well. The crew chief signaled ten seconds to drop, and Rogue felt himself tense up as a result.

The mission was simple: rappell from the choppers onto the roof of the building, with Rogue's team droping down from the side a floor onto a fire escape. Ferret's team would do the same if needed, except that his point was three levels down. Ferret's team was a backup one, and would only make entry if needed. From Ferret's side, his team could rappel onto any floor, and provide the enemy more lead from different angles, but they decided that the fire escape would be clear by the time they needed backup, if at all. The helicopter smoothly and suddenly pulled up, and that was Rogue's queue. His team leaped in sync from the helicopter, and dropped down at speeds which made men sick, but his team safely landed. 'Wouldn't it be ironic to have one of us sprain our ankles at a time like this.' A quick check of his six told Rogue that Ferret's team made it as well. The choppers disappeared, and started orbiting the scene.

"Showtime. Ready to rock?" Rogue asked quietly of his men

"Ready." They replied softly.

"Callsigns from now on. Let's do this."

Silently, Rogue and his five comrades dropped down to the fire escape door. They split up, three on each side of the door. Rogue could see that the door would open to the left, and would obstruct the other-half of his element's view.

"Five, check the door."

Five, otherwise known as Ghost, switched to his thermal setting, and moved his head slightly to get a better view of the inside's temperature readings.

"Nothing, One. Cleared to enter."

"Copy. Check the door."

He reached out, and pulled the door open slightly, and froze. It was obvious that the terrorists thought that this might be a way for the cops to get in. "It's rigged sir, I can see a string. Nothing major, I'll cut the string and we'll be in."

"Watch yourself. We don't get paid if we die."

"I love a commander who cares about the well being of his troops. Know where I can find one?" Ghost rebuked as he cut the wire.

"If you want someone to hold your hand, join the Air Force. Are you done?"

"Been done. Let's go."

"Team, standard entry tactics and radio rules apply. Let's move."

Yeah, I was a bit rushed to get to work today, and this kinda popped into my mind. I could go somewhere with this, maybe I'll continue this later.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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