in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




Alt Entries






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2001-12-20 / 9:53 p.m.
Alternate Entry 3

Rogue knelt down on the ground, standing his rifle on end, and lowered his head. It was a short and fierce battle, something that one never got used to, but forged lifetime friends in the heat of the firefight. 'After so many fights, so many victories and losses, so many years and campaigns, why did you have to leave now?!?' his mind screamed at the corpse of what was once Rogue's closest friend. The moonfilled sky lit up the terrain, and a small breeze threw dust in his fce and fanned several nearby flames.

Uncontrolled tears started flowing from Rogue's eyes in the first time in as long as he could remember. Hawk had been a friend of his for years, and now his friend, seemingly invincible in battle with his 6' 5'" frame and jet-black hair. Hawk preferred to wear a black bandana whenever he fought. 'It's a lucky charm,' he had told a younger Rogue. Now, his friend and mentor had come crashing back into the mortal realm that he was born into. His friend had jumped on a grenade that some lucky soldier had thrown at them as they drew the fire so that their comrades could destroy the bunker. It was now a smoldering ruin, and two other figures appeared from the inferno. One noticed Rogue, and motioned for his friend to stop. He led him back to the bunker, to inspect it for anything that Oversight could use.

Knowing that he couldn't just leave the body of an old comrade there to be eaten by whatever scavengers would feast on it, or for the enemy to desecrate any further, Rogue pulled out a small, compact spade from Hawk's back. It was used to help them make a make-shift position, and now it would help his friend find his final resting place. Careful of the fragile state of his body, Rogue lowered his friend into the hole that had caused the soldier to throw the grenade.

He stood there, and then got down on one knee again, and carefully removed his friend's bandana. He held it there again in his hand, and the tears came once more. Shutting his eyes, he placed it into his right pocket, and filled the grave halfway with dust, and the placed his friend's M4A1 barrel down into the grave. Holding it with one hand, he filled the grave, and scooped some nearby dirt to make the dust cover it about a quarter of the way up the barrel, enough to stabilie the rifle that would mark where a dear comrade had fallen, saving a life at the cost of his own. Wiping away his tears, Rogue walked towards the still-burning outer shell of the bunker, stopping only once to look at the spot that would forever be burned into his mind. 'Hawk...we will miss you.'

Rogue and his survivng comrades searched the bunker quickly, but without saying another word. That night, Rogue knew the nightmares were sure to come.

I got a call tonight from my mom. Our family dog Oscar, not even two years old, died. Mom says that Oscar pretty much just dropped and died. Dad tried CPR, but no avail. I think for some odd reason that Oscar had a heart attack. Katie, who's raised Oscar since he was just a couple weeks old, is devastated. I was by the house earlier and saw both of the dogs, Oscar and Bobo, and they were just fine. I worry about Bobo now, since she's an old dog, and Oscar was the puppy that kept Bobo's old frame moving and healthy. Mom said that Bobo went over to Oscar's body, and tried waking him up by nudging him twice. I'm sure that mom will let Katie get another puppy, but the memories that are associated with Oscar will never go away. I can't find a photo yet of Oscar, but I'll have something to put up hopefully tomorrow.

We finally got that damned marriage license. I even asked our old family friend Steve to take the pictures for mine and Nicki's wedding. Wes knows when he should try to show up, so now everything is all set that needs to be prior to the actual ceremony at least. The little things like candles and table cloths are soemthing that can be dealt with on the actual day of the wedding. Nicki and I still haven't heard from work-force management yet as to if we got our time off. I suspect that they're not going to get back to us until Monday, and if they do, I'll have to have a few idiots executed.

Hopefully next friday I'll hear about who got the computer help desk job. I put in an application a month ago for one of the supervisor slots, but I still haven't heard anything. I'm starting to get a little upset over that. I'm hoping to see something in my work mailbox tomorrow. If not, there'll be more executions. I understand that it's Christmas and all, but my application has been in for a month, and I've got no way to follow up on them, so I'm getting a little cranky.

Gosh, I already really miss him...

Life is short but memories are forever. We will never forget.

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