in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

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2001-12-19 / 2:38 a.m.
Alternate Entry 2.5

Rogue sat back as the TV program rolled on. The host of the show was grilling a city councilman over his city's repeated stance that the United States is completely wrong by bombing the shit out of The Bearded One Who's Towel Doesn't Quite Fit. Rogue watched mainly with a passive interest from behind hid desk, while puffing away at one of his cigarettes. His hard, cold, and unforgiving green eyes watched the screen mainly out of entertainment value. He respected the host, even though his views didn't completely match up with those of Hosts, judging by what Host wrote in his new bestseller book.

Rogue propped his feet up on the old desk that had served him for many campaigns. He was still decked out in his Bag Suit, his olive-green BDUs. His brown hair was of medium length, and was horribly messed up. He never really bothered to comb his hair. He preferred to be in the dark, even when there was no other light. It wasn't often that Rogue was in a truly foul mood. He had a personal stake in the terrorist attacks of 09/11/01. 'Don't fuck with the family,' was the warning that others who knew of Rogue's true identity obeyed. 'When one hunts a lion, he doesn't attack one's cubs or other friends.'

After taking a long drag, Rogue snuffed out the used cigarette in the ashtray, and stood. Walking over to the nearby wall, he picked up his favorite weapon, a customized M4A1 Carbine with an M203 underside grenade launcher, and turned off the TV. It was time for him to do some target practice anyways, and getting himself a little excited helped him focus. The common argument for the left was to have Bearded One arrested. 'Who, pray tell, serves the papers?'

I was watching the O'Reilly Factor this morning, and saw a segment, or as much of it as I could stomach. My Uncle Mike McNamer, on my mom's side, is a civilian contractor for the Pentagon. His offices were on the outer ring of Side E. You can guess where he should have been on the morning of Sept. 11th if he wasn't fifteen minutes late leaving for work. My mother lost another brother to suicide. I doubt she would have made it through the lost of her only other brother.

By the way, who serves the papers on Osama, and, since you seem confident that the World Court can arrest him, where is he and why aren't you whiners $25 million dollars richer?

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