in the valley of darkness

in the shadows of the night

rising from the ashes of humanity

he lives for honor




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2001-12-12 / 9:53 p.m.
Stupid Management Strikes Again


Imagine my suprise when I checked my work email today when picking up Nicki, when I found out that the call center tower lead position went back up for grabs again. I was totally flabbergasped, and I am now fully convinced that these guys are on LSD. In case you're wondering exactly what my resumee looks like, read this:


Apprentice - Arrowhead Electronics - 1998-1999

Department: Not appliciable
Duties: Observing and learning about electronic equipment, how to diagnose problems, and learn repair techniques that can be performed at home and those that must be done by a professional.
Reason Left: Take job at McDonalds
Salary: Hourly

Employee - McDonalds Incorporated - June 1999 - 15 August 2000
Department: Not Appliciable
Duties: Worked in various positions. Was trained in all aspects of operation of a fast-food resturaunt.
Highlights: One of few employees who was trained in all three major stations (Grill, Drive-Thru, Front Counter), as well as Lobby, and also was in charge of Resupply Truck crew. Responisibilities included: ensuring staffing requirements were met as set by management, actual unloading of truck, and making sure all food products were rotated, and expired product disposed.
Reason Left: To take offered position with Cendant Montana
Salary: Hourly

Customer Serivce Representative - Cendant Montana - 15 August, 2000 through 7 May, 2001
Department: Emergency Roadside Service/Member Services
Duties: Dispatching tow trucks and roadside assistance to stranded motorists. Also assisted members wishing to use various other benefits, including appraisals on used cars, sending out discount coupons. Also performed supervisory level tasks, such as dispatching calls CSRs could not ordinarily dispatch, and answering questions about procedures and company policies when regular personnel were not available.
Highlights: Volunteered to change shift from 3PM-12AM to a 12AM-10AM shift in Winter 2000 to assist Cendant in meeting it's after-hours staffing requirements for three months, and did so again in Spring 2001. At time center closed, was the only employee with less than two years of experience to have a high enough ranking in Average Handle Time, Quality, and Attendance to place in the top six out of more than 50 CSRs in shift-bidding.
Reason Left: Cendant Corporate closed the Great Falls, Montana call center. Was offered new position in their new call center in Cheyenne, Wyoming, but turned down offer to take job with National Electronics Warranty
Salary: Hourly

Customer Service Representative - National Electronics Warranty - 14 May, 2001 through Present.
Department: Lowe's
Duties: Include assisting in locating a manufacturer-authorized service center for broken appliances, forwarding information onto Carrier Contractors for Lowe's customers seeking estimates on Heating, Venting, and Cooling Systems, and several other store-orientated duties.
Salary: Hourly


Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America - Boy Scout Troop 7 - 1994-1999
Awards (Non-Merit Badge)
Eagle Scout (Highest rank possible)
Senior Patrol Leader - 1 yr
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - 2 yrs
Patrol Leader - 2 yrs
Passed the Junior Leadership Traning course
Elected to become part of the Order of the Arrow

Awards (Merit Badges, non-inclusive)
Personal Finance

- Personally organized and executed a carnival at Missouri River Manor in 1999
- Assisted in training and teaching several electronics-orientated merit badges
President/Captain - Boy Scouts of America - Explorer Post 167 - Great Falls Police Department - 1999 through Present
Pesident/Captain - 2000-present
Vice President/Lieutenant - 1999-2000

- Personally overseen and supervised GFPD Explorer presence and assistance with the Montana State Fair - 2001
- Lead patrol teams assisting perimeter security during the 2000. and 1999 State Fairs
- Personally prepared and executed a comprehensive firearms safety instruction course that also included information on various Montana state and Federal laws - 7 November 2001
- Preside over each meeting, and supervise training and act as a liason between our Great Falls Police Department Offier-Advisors and the Explorers - 2000-Present

- Web Design/Freelance Columnist 1998 - Present
- Study, design and implement ideas as I self-teach myself HyperText Markup Language, the language of web pages, and Web Page Design. Also write commentary for public view and response.
- Personally organized and executed a fundrasier for the United way on Decemeber 3-6th, 2001, bringing in $400 in total funds.

Related Coursework

Communications, Junior Leadership Traning, Electronics, Computers, Electricity, Windows 95, Windows 98, Word, Excel, Microsoft Works

Okay, tell me that I can't effective go out there and do the job. Fuckers. They also posted a job offering in the computer help desk department, maybe I can snag that one, if I'm lucky.

It wasn't all bad news today. Ryan came by around eleven and we changed the oil, oil filter and air filters, windshield wipers, all that jazz to my car. Rico came by around four, and I went to Matt's again today. Gave me a headache from the loud explosions and artillery shell sounds. Ugh. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy one.

Life is short and bullets are cheap. We shall shoot...I mean, uh, um...speak again.

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Personal Log, 25 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-25
Personal Log, 24 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-24
Personal Log, 23 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-23
Personal Log, 22 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-22
Personal Log, 21 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-21

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