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2001-12-10 / 5:31 p.m.
Mancow or Catdog? On a Monday?


As you can see, there are a few changes in my diary's layout. For entries that run longer than my background, I now have a neat little scroll bar who's only purpose is to deny you the pleasure of laughing at me when your browser is forced to repeat the image. It also performs the purpose of you thinking "Wow, look at that freak. His background repeats. What a dumbass!" Don't deny it. I know who you people are. You can laugh, but you can't hide. So laugh it up fuzzball.

Anyways, work is still kinda dull. Still don't know yet if I'm going to be promoted to our call center's tower, where you're resopnsible for making sure all the departments have enough staffing to meet our clinet's service level comitments. I swear, if I have to wait another week I'll have a heart attack, and I'll file workman's comp, claiming that it's a work-related disability.

I was also really bored last week, and stayed up long enough to watch a program on Fox News Channel called, creatively, Fox and Friends. Yeah.

After the first hour, they get some input from a radio DJ there in the Big Apple, who goes by the name....Mancow. Mancow. Where the hell do you get a name like Mancow. I know of Catdog, but Mancow? Would it be along the same lines with a freak dj joined at the ass with a cow? Okay, I just freaked myself out there. Go me.

Nicki was telling me that they're still moving her around. She used to work on the second floor of my company's other local building, but management decided to mess with everyone, and move her and her entire department up to the third floor, while she's on her weekend, and lose half her stuff. Plus her supervisor is no where to be found to boot. Yes....Monday is in full swing in this pathetic life of mine.

"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own." - Solid Snake, after defeating Psycho Mantis, Metal Gear Solid

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Personal Log, 21 Apr 2004 - 2004-04-21

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