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2002-01-29 / 10:43 p.m.
The Undeniable Truths of Call Centers


Today I just had one-too-many bonehead callers call up my department today. In response, I've now created "The Undeniable Truths of Call Centers" for both Customer Service Reps and The Callers. Have a look:

The Undeniable Truths of Call Centers - For The CSRs

All callers, except in the state of Washington, believe themselves to be God's Chosen Few, and will attempt to convince you of such.

All callers, in Washington state, believe themselves to be God(s), expect to be treated as such, and will belittle you for not believeing them.

Customer Service Representatives are the God(s) - do not let yourself believe otherwise.

All callers believe that they are talking to someone who lives in the same town as theirs, even if the town only has a few houses, a small store, and a bar.

All callers will attempt to explain how a broken washer affects the behavior of their goldfish, cat, and children, as well as the orbit of Mars.

All callers believe that an accurate description of their street address includes "...go down the dirt road until you come across the rusted pickup truck, and then hang a left..." In Texas, however, the description is even more inaccurate due to the high frequency of tornadoes and floods.

All callers believe that they possess more than two brain cells, when in reality, there's only an I.O.U. slip inside.

Training to be a CSR involves a multi-week period of waking up before the roosters to get to training on time, remaining lucid enough to pay attention to the instructor and doodle in your training manual, and, after a cheesy 'graduation' ceremony, throwing your manual into the garbage because your instructor didn't teach the lessons correctly.

Florida only: Calls about broken appliances or devices can be correted by instructing the caller to find somone who isn't blind or feeble and have them plug in the device/applaince, or remove appliance from packaging.

The Undeniable Truths of Call Centers - For The Customer

All CSRs possess approximatley half a brain-cell (except for me and aselect few others), but have a well-worded script that makes it appear otherwise.

The main call center for GE's 1-800-432-2737 phone number is in New Dehli, India (I'm not making that up). Do not let them convince you otherwise.

When calling to report an appliance problem please have the model and serial numbers availble to give to the rep. "It's a dryer" is not an accurate enough description and can delay getting your appliance or device repaired.

When you purchase applainces or other items that are expensive and come with a warranty, always save the recepit. This is used by a technician/repair shop to file the paperwork necessary to get payment from the manufacturer

You must have an IQ higher than room-temperature and your shoe size combined in order to call. All others who attempt to call anyways will have their phone mysteriously explode in your face.

Don't expect the rep to have all your information when you call. Computer databases are NOT routinely linked to each other.

Don't expect the story of your applaince doing something outrageous to suprise the rep. We've heard it all, trust me.

When you wish to speak with a particular rep, you need more than "Joe", "Mike", "or that one guy" to locate the rep you wish to speak with. Just think, how many Joes and Mikes there could be there? Keep in mind there are times when you may not be able to speak with a particular rep as well.

Being a CSR is very stressful and demanding work. By yelling and abusing the CSR, you're not going to get anywhere, could cause the agent to disconnect the line (some companies do allow this), or anything that generally gets you nowhere, and possibly in worse trouble. By remaining calm and collected on the phone, you are going to receive the best possible service.

Time is short and talk is cheap. We shall speak again.

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